Why Didn't You Came?

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A pregnant Shen Wei waited in a restaurant cafe for his boyfriend. He have a good news for him.

Shen Wei a twenty five year old lawyer waiting for his boyfriend whose working at a flowershop. Its only a month and so they met and fell inlove. Eventhough he didn't know much who is Yunlan is.

Zhao Yunlan a twenty eight year old man working recently in a flowershop. Where he met Shen Wei and fell inlove. They're going on a date and so. And was about to go to the restaurant that they must meet when a black car blocked him.

"Get inside!" Said the old man seated at the car. Yunlan shake his head and run away. "Xiao Wei! Wait for me!" He was infront of the restaurant when somebody knock him at the back. Blood flow from his head. "No...." He tried to reach Shen Wei but men dragged him away.

Shen Wei's heart ache for unknown reason. "Why Ah Lan is late?! He should be here an hour ago!" As he was about to stand up when a large man gave him a letter from Yunlan. To: Shen Wei,

Let's break up! I don't love you anymore!"

Zhao Yunlan

Shen Wei's world coming crushing down. "What?! Why?!" But the large man infront of him was gone. "No! This is a mistake! Yunlan would not leave me!" As he run outside to see if Yunlan is there.

He take a taxi to go where Yunlan work. Unknown to him the black car pass them going at the other direction. "Xiao.....Wei...." Before Yunlan close his eyes.

Shen Wei came to the flowershop devasted that it chained and close. The owner sit on one of the bench crying. "What happened ?! Where is Ah Lan?!" He shake the man.

"His father came! I didn't know his the lost billionaire son?! And paid me to close but when I refused he gave me the letter that his the new landlord of the land which my building stand! And he kick me out!" Shen Wei can't believe what his hearing.

Suddenly the rain pour down as he walk back to his apartment. Just to see a sign board being taken down. And the picture of Yunlan and his new bride being place at the center of the billboard. The title "Long Lost Billionaire Son Have Been Found! And Now To Be Wed To His Fiancee!" Shen Wei's world collapse at his feet.

The happy family that he wish gone to dust. As tears fall down from his lovely, doe eyes he promise to raise his child and have his revenge to Zhao Yunlan.

As days pass by, Shen Wei pass by that billboard everyday with a baby bump . He would look at Zhao Yunlan's picture at the billboard. And curse him, as he told to his child that they don't need him.

His mother getting worried for him as well as his friend Guo his colleagues at work. "Are you sure you can take care of the baby?" Shen Wei caress his stomach, "Yes! I promise to him to love and care for him! I will do it no matter what?! And that man who abandoned us will pay!"

Meanwhile Yunlan lost a bit of his memory because of hit of his head. Xin ci his father got worried, while his fiancee run toward him and embrace him. "Yunlan my love!" Are you alright?!" Dan dan is one of Xin ci's friends daughter whose also rich is crazy to Yunlan.

But Yunlan shove her instead making his father shocked as he caught her. "Mr. Zhao! Maybe I lost a bit of my memory but I know in my heart I don't love her!" As he stand and tower his father. "I will stay in the company and work but hid my word I won't marry her!" And walk away. "That brat! He didn't call me father!"

Meanwhile Shen Wei was fired at work because of indecency of having a child without marriage. The company he work won't stand having someone being pregnant without a husband. His boss Mr. Yang who have eyes for him tried to persuade him to drop his unborn child and marry him instead. If he still want to work in the company?

Shen Wei was outrage hearing that. As he decline his offer and took his things. He accidentally swing his bag at his face. "Ooops! Sorry!" And stomp on his foot. Mr. Yang shout in pain, "That's good! Now you know what I felt! And I will give you my papers as I will sue you for this criminal act!

Because under Article 135 prohibits the terminal of a pregnant person for the reason of pregnancy. And also in Article 21, sexual harassment is also consider a violation of the right of practice of any profession or to carry on a trade.

Mr. Yang was furious, "Will see if who laugh last!" He shout. All his employee was startled on what's happening. But before he can leave he slipped by Guo's foot and falling on the floor with a thud. Everyone tried not to laugh at him as he tried to get up and walk away.

"Are you alright?!" Guo ask on concerned. And help him up with few of his things. "Yes! Thanks you!" As he went to his car and drove away.

His mother welcome him home, "Don't worry Ma I will be fine you'll see! And beside I will build my own business! A small store while I care for my little child." While caressing his baby bump.

After the court ruling in Shen Wei's favor. He build a small coffee shop with the money he got from his company. While Zhu Hong and Wang both his cousins help him in running it. Zhu Hong a tomboyish woman who glared at anyone who flirt with Shen Wei and Wang. While Wang the sweet one have attracted many male customers.

As nine months past Shen Wei gave birth to a healthy boy name Da quing. Whose cute but quite naughty. As anyone who tried to woe his father he will play tricks on them and sent them away crying. Zhu Hong was very proud of his five year old nephew while Shen Wei on the other hand will scold him.

When suddenly their door bell ring as someone came to their coffee shop. Shen Wei was froozen to his place as he saw who is it. Yunlan his beloved who left him is standing infront of him. While Da quing cling to his arm. "How did you find me?" Shen Wei ask.


Author's Note

This request is made by Taina 9098. I hope you like it? And good day🏵

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