Da quing's Idea

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     The Zhao's  house is huge making little Da quing 's eyes widen. "Grandfather! You mean you live alone here?"

   Xin ci cough, "Not really. Here's where you're father grow up. Many maids and butlers greet and bow to them.  As they serve foods to them in the dinning hall. Shen Wei widen his eyes seeing so many foods. While Yunlan spoon feed him making Xin ci frown but ignored them as his occupied with his grandson.

    Whose amaze at everything he see. Suddenly  Da quing ask, "Grandfather! Do you want to get marry to someone like my father?" Xin ci almost spit his coffee his drinking while Yunlan and Shen Wei  chuckled. "Da quing! I cannot replace you're grandmother I love her dearly." Shen Wei  and Da quing was impressed hearing that.

    Only Yunlan laugh loud and told them his mother would hunt him if he remarried. Everyone laugh except Xin ci and Da quing.  He suddenly  stood up with his little  feet and hold his grandfather  hand,
"Grandfather! Don't  worry I have someone in mind for you! She will surely love and take care of you." Making his Dad and Papa look at each other.

   In an hour as they were about to leave Xin ci insist that they should stay here for the night. He want his grandson to sleep beside him. "Sorry Dad but Mom will be waiting for us!" Xin ci make a fake hurt, "This is the only time I can be with grandson! Can you not give in to you're own father request? I don't have much to live!" Both Yunlan and Shen Wei  look at each other.

   Back to the house Mrs. Shen almost shout on the phone when his son call him that they will spend the night to his father's in law house. "What?! What is that sly devil thinking?! What if he kidnapped  Da quing?! Huh! And won't returned  to us!" Shen Wei  persuade more his mother to say yes to his father in law request.

    While they are talking on the phone. Da quing told his Papa that he choose his grandmother for his grandfather.  Yunlan almost lost his footing. "Little  one! That cannot be they want to kill each other!" He realize he slipped  at what he said. As Da quing  look confuse to him, "Kill each other?"

   That made Yunlan cough, "I  mean they're  both different! They won't  get along!" But Da quing's eyes shine. "That's  it Papa like opposite attracts! Just like you and Dad! You have both different  attitude! How did you two fall in love?"

   Yunlan arch his brow, "You're Dad is the one whose head over hills on me! Did I not tell you that I run away from your  grandfather and work at the flowershop. Da quing  shoke his head. "Well I was a dashing, handsome youngman back then. Every women and men wants to marry me! But I choose freedom and work at that shop to hide from you're grandfather.

The Past

     Yunlan got a job in the flower shop as an assistant. "Boy! Can you get some vase for the flower!" The owner ask. "Yes sir!" Yunlan quickly went downstairs to get the materials he needed.

   When Shen Wei  came with his co workers. "Look Wei! This will be good gift for our boss whose getting married!" Shen Wei  was looking around when he didn't notice Yunlan whose carrying  some heavy materials and bump. Yunlan quickly hold the vase while his other hand on the waist of a young customer who almost fell on the floor.

   "Are you alright?!" He ask. Shen Wei's eyes shine seeing a handsome man hold him and can't  help to blush as his heart beat run fast. Yunlan gave him his signature smile making Shen Wei  melt to his hold. "Y....es...." But there  lovely moment  breaks when the flowershop owner cough, "The vase boy!"

   Yunlan help Shen Wei  up and gave the vase to the shop owner.  Eversince then Shen Wei  will go  there everyday just to buy flowers as he said to his co workers but they know his waiting for Yunlan to finish work and have a date with him.

    "I'm just a poor man do you still want to date me?" He shyly said to Shen Wei  when they went for their first date. Eating at a small coffee shop. Shen Wei  was shy at first and nod. But as Yunlan caress his arm, "Are you sure you won't regret it?" If he only knew Yunlan felt the same way falling for him at first sight.

   They're  date became everyday until a day both can't  held each other's  feeling and went to a motel to be one. Shen Wei  swallowed  hard as he sit beside Yunlan. Yunlan reach for him when he suddenly  stood up, "I need to take a shower!" Yunlan look puzzled  at him, "Right now?"

    Shen Wei  quickly took a bath leaving Yunlan wondering if they will continue  it. When Shen Wei  came out of the bathroom  looking sexy wearing only a bathrobe as his hair is drench. It's  Yunlan's  turnto droll on him. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Shen Wei  went pale that he thought  he might lost Yunlan and without a word pounce at him that day.

    It was magical being one with the very person you love. Shen Wei  thought he can top Yunlan but the younger man's build is strong and easily flipped  him underneath. When Yunlan strip off his clothes, Shen Wei  never felt a strong lust and desired to anyone.  As he want him now.

   Yunlan smirk seeing that flawless, porcelain body of his lover  and those two pink buds are just waiting to be touch. He pressed his body unto him and started kissing those soft  pink  lips. Shen Wei  response eagerly and wrapped  his arms around him.

   Soon Yunlan went toward his neck and collarbone. Making Shen Wei  and giggle as he felt his body on fire. As those hands went to his sensative parts making him moan. But when Yunlan went to his two  pink buds. Shen Wei  scream his name. Yunlan lick and suck it making him burst with in a minute.

    As Shen Wei  shout........

End Of Past For A While.....

    Because Shen Wei  caught Yunlan describing  to Da quing  what happened and can't  help to pinch Yunlan on the waist. "Ouch! Xiao Wei?!!! It hurt!!!"

MY REVENGE I WILL KEEPOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant