The Wife Of The Boss

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    When Shen Wei  came with Yunlan everyone greeted him with a smile and bow.

   As they heard Yunlan married Shen Wei  his assistant attorney in the office. Everyone  was a bit surprised  as a new employee married their big time boss.

    Shen Wei  is not comfortable  on what's  happening  even the two secretaries  of Yunlan bow to him. Yunlan just wave his hand to give him the report of the meeting and stop Shen Wei  from coming inside. "You're  excuse here since you need to rest!" As he called one of his secretaries to accompany his wife until the meeting is finish.

   Shen Wei  want to protest but Yunlan promise him something  as he nod in agreement and left. Yunlan face now the officials and partners to discuss  about the expanding of their territories   and a new enemy in business which his name Bai Yutong.

    Meanwhile  the secretary  lead Shen Wei  to a nearby coffeshop to eat sweets. When he bump unexpectedly  to young man like him. Both like the  one slice strawberry cheeze cake on the counter display.

   "Why not we share this cake?" The young man suggested. Yunlan secretary suggested  another flavor which is plenty. But somehow  Shen Wei  senses the young man good intention  as he agree. While eating together, "What is you're  name sir?" The young man ask. "It's  Shen Wei! What about you?" He ask. "Zhan Yao! Nice to meet you!" As he smile and shake hands with Shen Wei.

   They sense good vibes toward each other and  as they chat about their lives. They found out both married their boss. "I can't  believe  it?! You too! What a small world?" Both giggle and laugh. Describing their husband but not their names. And show each other their pictures and children.

    Xin ci on the other hand is in the house of Shen Wei  fetching Da quing  for it's  the time to teach him.
First Mrs. Shen didn't want his grandson to go near to him. To her his a horrible man. But Yunlan told her he got a permit with Shen Wei  as he promise him he will return his son in time.

   Da quing's eyes sparkle seeing his grandfather  and quickly jump into his arms. "You better not kidnapped  him and return Da quing  back to us!" She glared at him. "You have my word ma'am! I'm not a kidnapper  but a respectable  businessman!" As Xin ci frown at her, "Old hag!" He said to himself.  "You sly devil!" Mrs. Shen whispered  to herself.  As both snub. Xin ci hurriedly  left with Da quing whose wondering why the two can't reconcile?

     When Da quing  came to the building everyone there was surprised  and bow to them. Da quing  wonder why they did that?
Xin ci explain to him, "You must get use to it because you're the son of their boss and the grandson of a very powerful man! Me!" Da quing  giggle. "Why you laugh?" He ask his grandson. "Because I'm happy you're my grandfather." Xin ci cough and felt really proud.

    Yunlan on the other hand after the meeting is finished he hurriedly  walk toward the coffeeshop to fetch his wife. He can't  wait to give him the surprise and sensing Shen Wei  will give him a bonus. "Ah! It's  a great day! I have my beloved with me and were gonna stroll in the city and maybe more!" As he imagine his Xiao Wei showering him with kisses.

     When unexpectedly  he bumped  into someone  he wish would never see Bai Yutong his new enemy. Bai Yutong also knew him and smirk looking at him from head to toe. "Nothing much?!" He wonder how can a man like him being the big boss?

   "So you're  here as well? What a coincidence?" Zhao Yunlan tried to be cool by giving a smile. "Yes! What coincidence?" Bai Yutong added more, "I didn't know you also likes sweet for a grown up man like you?!" He smirk. Yunlan laugh loud, "What about you?! Are you spying now to a small coffee shop?  Isn't  our mall enough!" Both gaze dangerously  at one another. But when they tried to enter the store both trying to be the first one,  as both clutches each other shirt to begin to fight on whose the first.

   The rukus is heared by their both spouses and went to check on them. "Ah Lan! What's  the matter?!"  Yao is also cofuse on what's  happening. But stop seeing the two so close, Shen Wei  jealousy  suddenly  escalate and pulled Yunlan away. "Stop touching my husband!" Yao was also furious and cling to Yutong "You're husband is grabbing my Yutong!"

    Yunlan trying to calmed down the situation as he didn't  want his pregnant wife to be angry. But Yutong blurted out, "Even a hundred years I won't  touch you're  husband! His not my type!" Shen Wei  was enrage, "What do you mean by that?! His much more handsome  than anyone!!!"

    Yao is not liking what Shen Wei  is saying, "What?! My Yutong is much more handsome than him!" The wives of the boss now are bickering one another. The husbands now realize what have they done and trying to control the situation. Because people are now looking at them. Yunlan secretary is now in the middle to stop the fight before it escelate.

    The owner of the coffeeshop came to stop the fight but both accidentally  punch him.

    In a minute the two group are banned  at that  coffeeshop. Shen Wei  caress Yunlan's  face as if his the one been hit. "My poor husband!" While Yao pulled his husband away from them. "That Wei his crazy!" Grumble Yao. "Honey  you're  bp!" Yutong tried to lighten up the mood. But his wife glared at him. "Okay! It's  my fault." And follow his wife like a lost puppy.

   Yunlan on the other hand drive Shen Wei  to nearby park where there are many stores of foods there as his hungry already. While getting out of the car. Shen Wei  grabbed  him  suddenly  and kiss him. "Ah Lan! Don't let that Yao get to you! You're  the most hansome man I ever see!"

   Yunlan just chuckled,  "And the luckiest because I have you! The most beautiful wife of all!" That made Shen Wei  blushed as he kiss him more.

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