Till My Anger Subside

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    Xin ci scolded Da quing  lightly on what he did.  And apologize  to Mrs.  Shen who still was shocked.

    That  her heart beat fast when Xin ci caught her.  While Da quing  pout, "Did my idea didn't  work? I calculate everything!" He wonder. Shen Wei  and Yunlan came quickly hearing a rukus happening made by his naughty son.

   And pinch his ears on doing that. Xin ci defend his grandson seeing his being punish. But still Shen Wei  scolded him and notice his mother is quiet in a corner. She usually  is the one nagging at Da quing  non stop for being pushed to his enemy's arms.

   Da quing  cried  and went to his father side. Tugging his pants and taking shelter to the wrath of his Dad. Yunlan chuckled and tried to calmed down his angry wife. But instead he got angry at him also. Xin ci told Yunlan to take out his family for he didn't want their clients seeing their family is arguing.

   Next day after the event as they're going home. Everyone  seems quiet well Shen Wei  having these one of this moody that Yunlan is now evading his wife so he might not get angry. Suddenly  Shen Wei  want to buy souvenirs and foods for them. Resulting his mother accompany his father in law in another car because of the many things he buy. She cannot fit in the car anymore.

     Da quing  smile at this it as his plan is working again. But he didn't  know his grandparents  are bikering at one another in the other  car as we speak. 

     Back to them again, as they stop to take a rest to eat. Shen Wei  pulled Yunlan away from his companions. Making them all wonder what's  happening.

    Da quing  want to follow his parents. But his aunty Zhu Hong stop him. "Leave you're  parents alone for awhile little one and lets eat!" As she pointed to a cute restaurant  making Da quing look puzzled  but nod and went with them again.

   In the corner  Shen Wei  wrapped  his arms around his husband and started kissing him passionately  again. Well Yunlan won't argue in  this moody behavior as he likes it.  And pulled him more to his embrace.  "Mmmmh.....my wife smell sweet! I love to get you into bed!" He whispered  to Shen Wei's  ears making the other person snap.

   And pulled him to the toilet room to get unto it. Xin ci and Mrs. Shen just came at the restaurant.  "Da quing! Where's you're  parents?" Mrs. Shen looks worried. "Stop worrying about them they're  not kids anymore!" Xin ci knew what have happened  again. As he scoop his little  Da quing  lovingly in his arms. While Mrs. Shen wipping some sweat out of Da quing.

     Suddenly  they heard giggles from Zhu Hong, Wang, Officer Lin Jing and Sang. "What?" Zhu Hong pointed out, "Aunty! You two look like an old married couple with you're son!" Mrs. Shen went red, "Stop teasing you're  aunty! It can never happen! That can never be! She is not my type!" Mrs. Shen's face change, "What do you mean?!" As they start bickering again.

   Yunlan and Shen Wei  on the other hand, when they're  finished. Yunlan want to pulled away but can't.  "What do you mean you can't  get out?!" Yunlan trying to calmed his wife. "I think I'm stuck inside of you." He whispered  to him while sweating. "WHAT?!!!" They tried many times but Yunlan can't  get out of him.

   In a minute  paramedics  came bringing the two to the stretcher.  "I can't  believe  how humiliating this is?!" Xin ci covered Da quing's  eyes.  "Grandfather! What happened  to my parents?!" Da quing  want to peek but Xin ci won't let him. "They enjoy too much with each other! That's  all little one!" As they turned to his car to ride. Still Da quing  didn't  know what's  happening and want to take a peek. But Xin ci block his view.

     Yunlan on the other hand covered his wife with the blanket and his below so people might not see them. Shen Wei  never been mortified in his entire life being brought to the hospital like this. While  Mrs. Shen accompanied  them inside the ambulance  scolding them non stop. As the other followed them in their cars.

    Many hours pass by as they were release in the hospital. The others tried not to laugh on what happened  to them but Mrs. Shen scolding them non stop. "You two! Stop you're loving activity for awhile! I never been this humiliated in my entire life!" Shout Mrs. Shen. Shen Wei want to protest but his mother glared at him.

   "Wow! The old hag is very fierce!" Whispered  Xin ci to his son who only nod. "What did you say?!" Mrs. Shen gaze dangerously  at Xin ci who swallowed  hard, "Nothing! Just keep scolding them in you're entire life! What would I care?" Yunlan pleaded at his father to rescue them. Xin ci sigh, "Look they're sorry for what they done!"

   As he cling his arms around Mrs. Shen and took her away from the couple. "You're  father can talk smoothly to my mother!" Yunlan pulled Shen Wei  to his embrace. "Dad is a good speaker to clients! As you know? Let them talk while we take a break at our room! Huh?" As Yunlan lead Shen Wei  to their room leaving their parents to talk.

   Months have pass Zhu Hong was married to Officer Lin Jing followed by Wang to Sang. Yunlan have brought Shen Wei, Da quing  and his mother in law to their new home. Beside the Zhao's residence as he didn't  want his father  to be lonely in their big house.

   Xin ci and Mrs. Shen start talking and stop fighting one another. As they find out they have something  in common. A  hobby for nagging their kids and now their grandson.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand bore a little  twin, one boy and a girl.  Name Yung and Ying. Da quing  love his little  twin siblings and promise them that he will defend them no matter what.

   But who will defend him from his parents now it's  time he must go to school. "Papa! I don't  want to go to school and leave my didi and meimei!" And clutches to Yunlan's  leg. "Son! Let go off me!" He shake his head as he saw many children laughing  and playing.

    Da quing  is not quite use with children  at his age and cried. "Da quing! How can you defend Yung and Ying if you don't  go to school! How can you teach them if you don't  know anything!" And pulling him off his father. Da quing  kept crying when suddenly  his home room teacher came.

    "Hello there! My name is Yezun! I'm Da quing's  homeroom teacher!" Da quing  widen his eyes he never seen such a beauty.  He suddenly  let go off Yunlan. "Papa! You can leave now!" As he pushing them and  waving good bye to them while holding  to his homeroom teacher's hand lovingly.

     "What just happened?! Did Da quing  exchange us from his homeroom teacher?" The two look dumbfounded  but smile as Da quing  would like to go to school from now on. Well at least all  are busy we can have all the house to our selves!" And wiggle his brow as he took Shen Wei  back yo their house and  all live happily  ever after.  THE END.



      Thanks for my readers and commentors as I finished this story I will continue my other stories and request. I hope Taina 9098 you like the story and as I end it,  I  will see you all again in my other stories. And stay safe everyone!💞💞💞Luv you all❤❤❤

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