You're Promise

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    Da quing  have many good things he tell to his grandmother  about his grandfather the next day when they came home.

    Shen Wei  look at Yunlan who can't help to be suspicious on why his son is telling to his mother what a wonderful  grandfather  his father in law? Yunlan just whistle as he needed to go back to work as his driver will be fetching him in any minute.  "Wait?! Did I permit you to go alone?!" Yunlan pouting cutely at him.

    "The doctor said you need to rest! I didn't  want our little  son to get tired!" As he kneeled down and waited to hear the heartbeat of his future child. "The doctor still didn't know the gender! How sure it is a boy?" Shen Wei ask. "Because my dear wife is cranky as hell!" He tease him and kiss him goodbye as his car came.

    Shen Wei  want to stop him but his mother held him. "Wei! Let you're husband work! And you need to rest! Do you hear me?!" She sternly said. Making Shen Wei  frown as he can't  argue with his mother. "Ah Lan! I'm gonna get you for this!"

   It's  just a few hours Shen Wei is restless without Yunlan at his  side, "What's  his doing?" He text him every minute.

   Yunlan is in a meeting, can't  help to smile every time his cellphone  beep. And looking at the text that his wife written. "You better get back home after the meeting! No fooling around with other women!" When another text came, "Ah Lan! When will you come home?" With a crying emoji.

   As Yunlan turned back to the meeting another text came and can't  help to look at it. "Why aren't  you texting me? Why......why?" Yunlan can't help to burst into laughing when Shen Wei  threaten him that he will come in the office.

    The other officials look at him, especially his father. "Yunlan! What so funny?! Yutong is declaring a war on our company?" His dad frown. Yunlan apologize  at his sudden outburst and suggested to have a party promo to their every malls and give freebies against Yutong malls inaguration day. So their mall might be notice than his.

   "Call one of our superstar in the showbiz industry and tell him he will have a concert in every mall we have!" One of the officers suggested him about Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu. "They're pretty famous  this day because of their dramas!" Yunlan smirk, "Then contact them!"

   As the meeting come to an end, Yunlan stretch a bit and about to leave when his father block him. "Where  you think you're  going?" When his two secretaries  gave him some papers. "We still have a meeting about our real estate in the province area! Where building a subdivision there and you have to check this!" As another batch of officials came and foreign investors.

    Making Yunlan frown and rub his forehead,  "Xiao Wei  will kill me for being late in going home!" He said to himself.

   Meanwhile  Da quing calling his grandfather that he should have dinner in their home. "I'm sorry little one but we still have to finish some paperworks here! Maybe another  time!" Da quing  can't  help to be sad hearing it. But startled as his Dad is listening to their conversation. 

   "Don't  tell me his hostaging you're father in the office until now?!" He pout. His eagerly waiting   for Yunlan to come home because he missed him. And now hearing he would be late makes him a little bit angry and sad.

   Da quing  calmed down his Dad and hug him. "You still have me!" He smile making Shen Wei  nod as they begin to eat dinner with his mother and his cousins.

    Back to Yunlan, the foreign investors can't  wait to see the province which they will investing their money. Xin ci assured them tomorrow  that his son will accompany them to where the subdivision  will be build. Making Yunlan frown as he was dragged  out by his father to celebrate with the foreign investors  with some drinks in the bar.

    Shen Wei  on the other hand was restless  at  home and can't  sleep  without his husband. His mother order him to sleep for the baby sake. He pout cutely to her just to let him stay for another bit as it's not late yet.

    When a drunk Yunlan came with Xin ci and his driver helping him to walk straight. "What happened  to him?!" Shen Wei  can't  help to frown and wanted to scold Yunlan but stop as he saw Xin ci. It was his mother who got angry and scolded Yunlan and Xin ci. Making the whole house wide awake, as Zhu Hong and Wang watch what's  happening.

   The two grandparents  are bikering again while Shen Wei slip with Yunlan toward their room. "Sorry! The foreign investors have visited us and we have a few drinks !" Yunlan explaining to him. Shen Wei  pinch him while taking off his shoes and changing his clothes.  "Xiao Wei......don't  get angry! I'm doing this for our future! For Da quing  and for our baby to come!" And tried to kiss him. But Shen Wei blocked his lips with his hand.

    "I'm not talking to you!" As he almost flipped him into their bed. "You know how much I missed you!" Yunlan tried to appeased his angry wife. When his father knock on the door and take a peek, "Tomorrow  Yunlan don't be late! The investors will be waiting for you to tour them in the province!" As he close the door.

   "Don't  tell me your leaving me again! You promise after the meeting I will have you all to myself!" Yunlan calmed down his wife and tried to hold him but Shen Wei  swat his hand and instead cage him on the bed.  "Ah Lan! I'm coming with you weather you like it or not?!" He shout at him and pounce on the drunk Yunlan. That night Yunlan scream his name.

    The next day it was like a family outing. Yunlan didn't  expect Shen Wei will bring his family even the suitors of his cousins. Xin ci frown seeing Shen Wei's family. "Yunlan! What are they doing here?! This is a business trip not a family outing!"

    Yunlan just scratch his head as he can't  say no to his Xiao Wei. Meanwhile  Da quing is continuing his plan about his grandparents and can't help to smile.

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