Side effects

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The next day started rather unpleasantly, when Adrien appeared at the breakfast table on his own, telling his father and Nathalie, that Marinette had been throwing up half of the night.

"Oh no, the poor girl!", Nathalie exclaimed, "but that's exactly why she is staying with us instead of her home. So her parens won't notice those side effects and get suspicious. I can't imagine, that they would be very supportive, if they found out, why that was necessary!"

"Is she asleep now or awake?", Gabriel wondered, "if she is, you should maybe bring her something she can keep down easily!"

"Or something, she can vomit more easily!", Nathalie suggested.

The teenager was about to complain that she was making fun of his girlfriend being sick, but then he saw her expression and knew, that she had been serious.

He looked at both adults uneasily, then pleaded:

"Well, what would you suggest then? Maybe there is something, she might be able to keep down and that will be, as you called it, easy to vomit, at once?"

The young assistant chuckled then said:

"I suggest white bread or just a glass of milk! Both is easy to digest and won't burn and scratch that much, if it comes back out! Just bring her both and ask her, what she prefers. I am very certain, that she at least will take the milk! Except, she's lactose intolerant, which is very common for Asian people. But as she is only half chinese.... Just try, what she likes, okay? And tell her, I will come upstairs right after breakfast and look how she's doing. Just in case, she might have some kind of allergic reaction or something like it. But now, don't worry, the doctor said, this could happen!"

Adrien sighed in relief, then grabbed two buns, put some butter and cheese on the one, he gulped down himself in only two large bites, to then place the other with a glass of milk and a glass of water on a tray, to carry it to his room right away.

"Hey, how are you feeling?", he asked as he sat down on the bed next to her.

"Would you be mad, if I told you, I just want to die? I think this will never stop again, Adrien. I am starting to think, that taking the risk of getting pregnant would have been worth it. Don't give me that look. I am fully aware, that the outcome might have been very similar. Please don't tell me, you want me to eat anything!", she lamented tiredly.

"I just brought you a bun and some milk. Nathalie and father suggested those, because they are easily to digest and I quote 'more easily to vomit'!"

"Great!", the dark haired girl groaned and pulled the blanket over her head.

"Would you at least try anything? I also brought some water. You don't have to eat, but you need to get some water into you, okay? If you'd rather try the milk, I don't know, can you drink milk? Nathalie just told me, that many Asian people are lactose intolerant. So.... if you were, the milk would most likely just make it worse!", the model hesitantly told her.

Marinette gave him an exhausted smile.

"I am not. I would like to try the milk, as I really can usually keep it down much better, when I have some stomach flu. And they were also correct, it's much friendlier to my throat, if it comes back, than anythhing else! Thank you for being so sweet even though I am so moody right now!", she mumbled.

"Oh please, that's the least I can do. It's somehow my fault anyway! If I had managed to pull...."

"Don't, Adrien! It's over and we can't change anything. Let's just hope, that this will be over soon!", she tried to soothe his bad conscious.

"I love you, Marinette. And I really have to thank you again for helping Nathalie. Without your help and your brilliant mind, she most likely wouldn't have fully recovered. Like ever! And after already losing my mother and even before that, Nathalie always was like a mum for me. Maybe more, than my real mother was. Losing her too, I think it would have simply broken me. So, thank you, M'lady.", he did his best, to hold back the tears, but the young woman had seen them and held out her arm for him.

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