Everything Is Changing

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"Really?" Adrien hissed barely audible.

Not able to speak, Marinette nodded under tears and he immediately pulled her into his arms and kissed her savagely. Then he started a long row of questions.

"How are you feeling? Why didn't you tell me already? When is the baby due? Since when have you known? What did the doctor say? Have you even been at the doctor's yet? Did you think of names already? How is the baby doing? Why did you come to the university to pick me up and CARRYING Rarity as you did?"

While Gabriel and Nathalie were trying to hide their laugh, Marinette placed a hand on his forearm and interrupted him chuckling.

"Slow down, Kitty. First of all I haven't been to any doctor yet, second, I am perfectly capable of carrying an infant around who weighs less than my sewing stuff most of the time. I am feeling very well just now, but I bought the tests because I was feeling sick a lot and have thrown up a couple of times. I made an appointment with the same doctor I was for my injections and who also took care of Nath. It's next Saturday so you won't miss your classes when you come with me. And last, Adrien, why don't you just do the math? You spent hours with researching the female reproductive cycle so let's see, what you learned. My last period ended seven and a half weeks ago, so..."

Adrien thought for a short moment, then began to grin.

"So you're almost full eight weeks along already. Wow. And I didn't even notice anything!"

"Mh, you definitely noticed my, well, more frequent... you know... mood to do certain intimate things."

The young woman blushed deeply as she tried to subtly remind him of how many times she had wanted to sleep with him lately.

"Oh, that's why you were... I thought it was because you liked what we were doing."

She quickly kissed him on his lips and mumbled.

"I always like what we're doing. But lately it made me feel even better than usually. And I needed you many more times than I could have ever imagined. Speaking of..."

Marinette winked as she parted from him and smiled.

Nathalie interjected.

"Maybe you can make some time to eat before you tend to those special needs? Because that's important too, you know."

"Oh, of course. Nobody will get me to leave this room before I've tasted at least one portion of everything. That's another thing you could have noticed, Adrien. I've at least gained five pounds by now. And due to the amount of pain I would say, half of it went here."

She pointed at her breasts as she told him about that. The others laughed, only the young father to be furrowed his brows and asked.

"Why didn't you tell me at least when you were hurting? I certainly caused even more pain when I... you know." He made a gesture with his hands.

Marinette giggled.

"You're mostly very gently, Kitty. And the very few times it did hurt slightly, I just ignored it or placed your hand elsewhere. Just relax, I'm feeling really fine."

He reached for her hand and kept it in his own for quite some time, watching his parents fill their plates, then asked.

"What do you want to eat, M'lady? Just tell me and..."

"Adrien, don't. Don't start patronising and overly protecting your woman!" Gabriel interrupted them.

"Your dad's right, Kitty. I'm not sick, I'm just pregnant. Which means you and I are going to become parents in a few months and I need us to be equal partners for that. It's okay if you won't let me lift or pick up heavy things, but don't try to do stuff I am capable to do on my own, yeah?" Marinette told him lovingly and though he had to blink away his tears, he nodded.

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