12. Hurt

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As you were walking past the Smithsonian and you saw a familiar figure walking out. He had a cap on top of his long hair and a black jean jacket over a black and white flannel with a black undershirt. He turned to where you were leaning on he wall waiting for him to notice you. He stoped is his tracks when you made eye contact a few feet away.

"I told you I'd find you." You said getting up from the wall. He rolled his eyes and tightened his jaw and kept walking to pass you. "Where are we going?" You ask innocently and followed beside him.

He stopped and looked at you baffled, "I'm, going back into hiding. You, are going back to whatever you do." He said pointing from himself to you.

"Well I can make that a lot easier, where do you wanna go. I got a few fake IDs and passports from my jobs that didn't get outed." You said stepping closer he took a step too.

"If you stay with me you're gonna get hurt." He said through his teeth.

"And if I don't help, you're gonna get hurt." You said taking another step making your faces inches from each other.

He stared down at you, you didn't falter and squinted your eyes. After minutes of neither of you breaking he rolled his eyes and huffed.

He looked down at his gloved hands, "Why do you want to help me. I'm a monster."

You put your hand up gently showing him you were gonna place it on his left arm. "You, are not a monster. You, are a victim of Hydra." He looked at you beginning to lower his guard. "Let me help you." You pleaded.

He sighed, "Fine, but you aren't coming with me. You can help me get what I need but, I can't be the reason you get hurt again." He said looking back up at you.

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Ugh, fine, good enough. Come on." You said rolling your eyes, you noticed a small smirk on his face and grabbed his wrist. You focused and teleported you both back to your safe house.

His eyes were big as he looked around. "So, you can teleport?"

"That and many other things." You said walking over to the kitchenette. "So, I only have two male covers. Ones from Romania and the others from Greece." You said holding up two plastic bags that both held a passport, an ID, a Social Security number, cash and a few other trinkets. "Sebastian or Mikey?" You say gesturing to the two bags.

"Um, I'll take Sebastian." He said holding out his hand. You placed the bag with flourish and set the other one back down, and got a sucker from the counter and popped it in.

"So, let me just book a ticket for you now." You said going past him to get to your laptop. "You'll like Romania, I wasn't able to see a lot of it, but what I saw was beautiful. Couldn't enjoy it though since I was on a mission." You typed in all the information and booked the ticket to Romania and sent it to the printer. You walked over to it and grabbed it once it finished an handed it to Bucky.

"Why, are you helping me?" He asked, slowly taking the ticket.

You took out the sucker and set it on the wrapper, "Well, I'm a good person, who wants to help a friends friend. And no I don't want anything in return. I just want you to be safe." You said looking up at him and putting your hands in your pockets.

He paused looking at you curiously before he spoke, "Thank you, I don't deserve this. But thank you." He said not making eye contact.

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