88. Short Author's Note

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Hey guys, I'm so sorry for how long it's been since the last update. I had horrible writers block and also started to write another book for the Stranger Things universe. I focused on that more because I started to get some more ideas and my creativity started flowing again. Thank you for being so understanding. I have another almost chapter ready for you but I'm gonna try and map out the next few and change up the way I was writing just a little, just spacing the paragraphs out more and such. I'm gonna try my best to give you all what you want but I'm gonna mess with time a little lol, it's the same timeline as the mcu just a little different. It's during the same time but you know I wanted to add as much as I could without it feeling crowded. If you have any thoughts or feelings let me know, I really mean that, I'm just a reader like you guys who decided she wanted to write her own. It is truly so much fun and it makes me so happy seeing how many of you love it too. I'm still trying to figure so much out and thank  you for your patience and I hope to be writing more, this story is definitely not over, with thunderbolts coming I might write an alternate story that includes that but that's so far in the future that we will see! I left you on a cliff hanger, I know, I'm so sorry I just wanted it to be as amazing as I could make it. Hope you enjoy!


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