7. Kaeya loses it

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Razor: @Bennett

Bennett: what is it razor?

Razor: Xingqiu book

Bennett: Xingqiu what

Xiangling: I think he wants to see the fanfiction Xingqiu wrote

Razor: yes

Xinyan: of who tho?

Razor: me, bennett

Hu Tao: As much as I would love to see that, I don't think that's a good idea

Xiangling: How come

Hu Tao: I'm reading the Rannett (Razor x Bennett) ff over Xingqiu's shoulder and it's already 18+

Xinyan: bruh

Barbara: did you really just say bruh

Xinyan: ofc I did sherlock holmes

Xiangling: <3

Xinyan: <3

Kaeya: I warned you

Diluc: oh fuckjwirfhwehudsndkjedwedwe

Jean: what just happened to Diluc



Mona: jean I couldn't give a shit about Diluc mmk

Mona: Diluc and Childe are worth even less than nothing

Venti: MY WINE

Diona: I will shoot you until you know nothing but pain

Xiao: Bold of you to assume there's no one to protect him from you, you feral pink eyesore

Venti: <3

Diona: You're next emo bitch

Xiao: try me

Ningguang: are Diona and Xiao fighting in the hallway rn

Beidou: yes

Beidou: and Xiao is winning

Beidou: why did Kaeya throw Diluc through a window?

Keqing: I mean no one's complaining

Ganyu: didn't Kaeya say that if we flirted in the school wide dm one more time he would throw one of us through a window?

Keqing: Yes, and then Diluc insulted Kaeya's crush on Albedo and called Albedo a doll

Albedo: Kaeya's crush on what now

Beidou: how do you not know

Albedo: mostly he follows me around flirting with me

Albedo: he flirts with everyone so I assumed it was normal

Ganyu: have you ever seen him flirt with anyone for a year straight

Albedo: come to think of it, no

Keqing: I thought you were supposed to be smart

Albedo: Sucrose and I are both as antisocial as hell ok

Albedo: Haven't you noticed that Sucrose hasn't talked since the Chongyun mercury incident?

Beidou: you have a point

Beidou: @Sucrose join our chaos

Sucrose: Sorry, I have experiments to do every day, so I haven't talked much

Sucrose: I'll talk a bit more over break

Keqing: oh shit I forgot break is coming

Ganyu: I asked you yesterday if you wanted to go on dates every day of break

Keqing: I remember that

Tartaglia: imagine forgetting you have dates with your s/o

Keqing: imagine having your crush treat you like a human wallet

Tartaglia: ouch

Zhongli: Childe has a crush?

Tartaglia: nothing for you to worry about xiansheng

Zhongli: ok

Hu Tao: gays being clueless season 2

Yanfei: You can't say anything, I just hugged you and you asked me why I was squeezing your body between my arms

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