9. Childe actually gets a boyfriend (100% real not clickbait)

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Inazuma Gang


Ei: who tf are you


Ei: go back to sleep and don't wake up again

Yae: waifu material

Itto: rude

Kazuha: are you ALL up doing homework

Sara: Only you, me, Kokomi and Gorou


Kokomi: someone's child is running loose

Ayaka: how come you are all awake?

Yoimiya: i was making fireworks

Ei: can't sleep

Yae: writing <3

Kazuha: Sara, Kokomi, Gorou and I were doing homework

Ayaka: oh

Ayaka: I'm going back to bed

Thoma: Do you all not sleep

Ei: sleep is for the weak

Ei: give me your vision

Yae: Ei we talked about this

Ei: sorry miko

Thoma: holy shogun

Ei: yes?

Thoma: it's a phrase not a summon

Ei: same thing

Genshin Group Chat (aka Chaos)

Keqing: I'm walking back to my dorm

Keqing: Ready to complete some more homework there

Keqing: and when I open the door

Keqing: the first thing I see is Zhongli and Childe making out on the couch

Ganyu: what

Xiao: WHAT

Venti: I told you zhongli was gay already xiao, why are you surprised

Xiao: wouldn't you be surprised if your dad figure started making out with a motherfucking failure

Venti: I don't have a father figure remember

Venti: most of us don't have parents

Kaeya: namely Diluc

Diluc: you also don't have parents

Albedo: Diluc's dad was your adopted dad

Kaeya: yeah but Diluc is a failure so it doesn't count for me

Albedo: that doesn't even make sense

Kaeya: does anything

Albedo: alchemy

Kaeya: shit

Tartaglia: Keqing you can't roast me for not having a boyfriend anymore

Keqing: You sad mistake, I can still roast you for how long it took to get one

Zhongli: what does roast mean?

Hu Tao: peepaw really so clueless about internet slang 😭

Zhongli: what does peepaw mean?

Yanfei: oh christ

Xingqiu: Have we not already established that there's no Jesus Christ in this world

Yanfei: true

Yanfei: there is only the law

Hu Tao: you've gone to jail tho

Yanfei: I speak the law, I don't follow it

Barbara: there may not be Jesus, but there is Lord Barbatos!

Venti: yes?

Barbara: ???

Jean: never mind him

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