15. Something unimaginable happens to the model student

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Keqing: @everyone WKAKE UPPP BITCHEIKS

Ganyu: what happened to my girlfriend??

Kaeya: I think someone switched me and Keqing's drinks...

Kaeya: My supposed wine tastes like lemonade.

Diluc: Kaeya only gets his grammar, spelling and punctuation right when he's drinking lemonade so can confirm

Kaeya: Oi, rude.

Ganyu: who did it

Mona: One word

Mona: Childe


Ganyu: count your days

Mona: I call dibs on his money

Zhongli: Excuse me?

Venti: wait is keqing drunk

Kaeya: Very much so.

Rosaria: a guilty pleasure to watch the model student sing "Sweet Child O' Mine" on top of a bar counter

Ganyu: where are you

Kaeya: The Dawn Winery.

Kaeya: Where else?

Ganyu: on my way

Xiao: how tf did you guys get Keqing to go to the winery

Kaeya: That's between the three of us.

Venti: three?

Kaeya: Keqing, Rosaria and I.

Xingqiu: I smell blackmail

Xingqiu: More fanfic material @Hu Tao

Hu Tao: are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Xingqiu: my dorm. Bring the laptop.

Hu Tao: on it

Tartaglia: what are you doing

Yanfei: Hu Tao and Xingqiu are doing a fanfic collaboration I think

Chongyun: they've been meeting in me and Xingqiu's room a lot this week talking about ridiculously convoluted plot lines


Kaeya: Even when drunk, she still spells Ganyu's name right!

Ganyu: keqing enough alcohol

Ganyu: I'm taking you back to the dorm


Kaeya: This is ridiculous.

Rosaria: our drinking party is down to 2

Venti: can I come?

Xiao: no

Xiao: you promised to stay sober

Venti: ....i did

Kaeya: Wait, what?

Xiao: I made Venti swear to never touch alcohol until I stop loving him

Tartaglia: true love 💗

Xiao: fuck off

Tartaglia: :(((((

Xiao: Venti dms


Xiao: v

Xiao: venti

Venti: yes bby?

Xiao: cuddles

Venti: ofc bby

Venti: I'll come back to our dorm right after I finish the history homework in the cafeteria ok?

Xiao: can't you bring it with you

Venti: I want to get it done so we can spend more time cuddling and less time doing homework

Xiao: <3

A/N: i have risen from the dead with a double update and a drunk keqing :DDD

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