11. Barbara jinxes the 'no death' streak

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Barbara: wow we're actually at the end of the school term and no one's died

Venti: aw fuck you jinxed it

Bennett: oh dear

Diluc: such a shame

Diluc: I would have liked to see Childe die

Tartaglia: can one person be polite to me for five seconds

Zhongli: I like how you pay for whatever I ask

Zhongli: done

Tartaglia: wait no don't stop

Zhongli: sorry Xiao is asking me to do something I have to go

Tartaglia: he said sorry <3

Lumine: you poor desperate bitch

Aether: has anyone seen Kaeya?

Sucrose: He asked me for some explosive chemicals about half an hour ago


Sucrose: oh no

Venti: fuck

Qiqi: Who's Kaeya? I forgot

Diona: blue haired simp dude

Diona: drinks alcohol

Diona: gave me free rein to kill Diluc

Diluc: excuse me what the fuck

Diluc: SHIT

Sara: A pink haired cat girl just shot Diluc twelve times in the chest

Xiao: I don't think anyone cares what happens to him

Gorou: why do I smell smoke

Aether: I think we found out what Kaeya was up to

Lumine: no shit sherlock

Gorou: oh fuck

Kokomi: Dorms 5-7 just blew up


Keqing: where is the man

Keqing: I will tear him apart limb by limb

Ei: @Kaeya give me your fucking vision and go die in a hole

Albedo: Kaeya why would you blow up your own dorm

Kaeya: because it's Diluc's

Albedo: it's also mine

Kaeya: oh fuck

Mona: the dude just realised 😭

Albedo: you can stay single

Diluc: suck it Kaeya

Kaeya: says the guy who's been single since the day of his birth and couldn't save his own motherfucking father

Diluc: you just got rejected, don't talk to me about being single

Diluc: and you couldn't save Dad either bitch

Jean: who blew up the dorms

Diluc: Kaeya

Jean: okay you're paying

Kaeya: wait no I'm broke

Jean: don't care

Jean: you're still paying

Kaeya: @Rosaria mora pls

Rosaria: die

Kaeya: can someone give me money

Venti: you could sell some wine

Kaeya: no

Venti: ok I'm out of ideas

Xiao: I have an idea

Xiao: I'll pay you to be my punching bag

Kaeya: ...I don't really have a choice do I

Xiao: no, you don't

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