8. Ganyu reminds everyone what their dorms are

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Xiao: I just wanted to borrow a geometry book, not listen to Xingqiu reciting made-up angst between me and Venti in the library at 3am in the morning

Kaeya: I admire your commitment to geometry

Venti: oi fuck off that's my boyfriend

Xingqiu: It's called art, Xiao

Xingqiu: appreciate it

Xiao: I appreciate it enough thank you very much

Xiangling: yeah we basically get fanfic of ourselves for free

Xiangling: it's a bit mentally destabilizing

Mona: Wait who are you guys in a dorm with?

Ganyu: I'll make dorm lists!

Keqing: Thanks bby <3

Ganyu: np love <3

Kaeya: omfg

Diluc: what are you gonna do?

Diluc: chuck me out a window again?

Diona: don't you dare do it before me @Kaeya

Kaeya: oh you're on

Mona: you still haven't answered my question

Xinyan: me, Xiangling, Xiao, Venti, Yanfei, Hu Tao, Xingqiu and Chongyun are in a dorm together

Mona: ohk so the junior gays

Xiao: wtf

Xingqiu: nice title

Chongyun: the title of exorcist is better

Xingqiu: ofc bby 💗

Ganyu: okay done


Dorm 1: Amber, Barbara, Noelle, Eula, Razor, Bennett
Dorm 2: Fischl, Mona, Rosaria, Sucrose, Aether, Lumine
Dorm 3: Kokomi, Gorou, Kujou Sara, Sayu, Ayaka, Yoimiya
Dorm 4: Chongyun, Hu Tao, Xiao, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Venti, Yanfei
Dorm 5: Beidou, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Shenhe, Ganyu, Keqing, Zhongli, Tartaglia
Dorm 6: Ei, Yae Miko, Ayato, Thoma, Arataki Itto, Kazuha
Dorm 7: Albedo, Diluc, Jean, Kaeya, Lisa

Venti: how do you remember all of that

Keqing: she's amazing <3

Ganyu: I had every list memorised from the start of the year

Ganyu: I have a lot of practice from my job

Venti: what is your job tho

Ganyu: I do a lot of paperwork

Tartaglia: who do you think has the loudest dorm

Xiao: ours for sure

Xiao: zhongli's dorm also has 8 people but they're all quiet/responsible except for you and beidou

Venti: at night you can hear Xinyan's rock music even though she's wearing her earphones

Xinyan: hey I cant fall asleep without that alr

Xingqiu: Xiangling does a lot of cooking though so our dorm always smells nice

Xiangling: I'm not allowed to cook more than one spicy dish per day there because if I do then Chongyun will pass out when he comes back

Hu Tao: this is also why we have a lot of popsicles in our mini-fridge

Barbara: Wait, you guys get a mini-fridge?

Hu Tao: you guys are the holy dorm, how tf do you not have a mini-fridge

Noelle: Amber blew it up by accident

Amber: Klee gave me some bombs that day and I mixed them up with apples and put them in the fridge

Venti: holy fuck

Venti: where were the actual apples

Yanfei: trust Venti to only care about the apples

Amber: oh I chucked them into the pond thinking they were bombs

Venti: WHAT

Xiao: venti just jumped into the pond

Xiao: and he can't swim

Xiao: fuck

Xingqiu: I'll fish him out

Barbara: I'll come and heal him!

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