Chapter 1

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Enrick's pov

"I don't know what I was expecting. I assumed maybe after a long trip I'd be greeted by the sounds of laughing children playing, perhaps a busy market filled with people, especially at this time of year. Not... this," Enrick looked upon the quiet streets, his eyes gazing over the cobbled streets he called home. He had been gone for a long time, multiple months had been taken up exploring nearby land and visiting old friends. The old man next to him let out a heavy sigh "yes son, you've missed out on quite a bit. It's a shame you weren't here months earlier, we could have used more doctors especially at the beginning of this whole fiasco." Enrick narrowed his eyebrows, his plague mask moving slightly in response "was it really that bad?" the man looked over at him, a frown on his face "A plague boy. You managed to escape the flies when on your trip but what you see now is the result of what happens when the only doctors in the village were put out of commission too early on,"

"What of Samael and Lydia?"

"The lad joins the ranks of the buried. He tried a head on method when trying to cure the illness but ended up just as useful as the rest of them when he caught it too. Taking heed of his mistakes, the old woman could only offer help from afar to try and prevent her being taken down as well. But unfortunately her loved ones were caught by the blight and she became bedridden soon after, unable to move despite her efforts. She passed only a week or so after that. Leaving the other village people alone to fend for ourselves."

Enrick stood in silence. They were dead... He had heard nothing of this before, why was he just finding out now? He turned his head towards the old man "thank you for letting me know, I should be going now." he took a solemn step forward before a wrinkled hand was placed on his shoulder, stopping his feet. "Hold on boy, I have a question for you. That mask... why do you wear it here?" Enrick reached up to brush his covered cheek with his finger gently "A suggestion from friends I visited on my trip." The hand released its hold and the young man continued on his way.

The once familiar streets gave him an eerie feeling, he wasn't used to them being as desolate. He eventually arrived in front of a wooden door and gave a knock, waiting for a response. A cough was heard from further within the house before a dishevelled woman came to the door. Tiredness graced her face and hung heavy under her eyes as she opened the doorway and looked at the masked figure in front of her "what is it, has my daughter been causing trouble once more?" Enrick blinked, she hadn't realized the man in front of her was him "mother?" She stared at him, as if she wasn't really sure if she had heard correctly "excuse me?"

"Ma, it's me... your son?"

She swallowed, bottom lip quivering "Enrick?" The young man looked at her, it seemed the plague had certainly had affected her. He gave a nod and she quickly threw her arms around him in a long awaited embrace, "you've been away for so long, I was so worried something awful had happened to you, I-I've just had all these horrid dreams and-"

"You've nothing to worry about; I'm safely here now, see?"

The weary woman took a breath before slowly letting go and glancing around nervously "we should get inside, you don't know who could be around...- and you surely must be hungry!" he allowed himself to be dragged inside before sitting down.

A warm broth was placed in front of him, a slow steam curling up from the bowl as he took a sniff, only to smell the dried flowers and herbs he had crammed in the beak of his mask. He cautiously lifted the bottom of the mask to be met with an inviting scent, eagerly lifting his spoon to his mouth. Within moments he found his hat snatched from his head, unveiling his ruffled greasy brown hair "no hats at the table, as you should remember!" Enrick looked over in surprise "mother!" she shook her head before hanging it up "and why do you wear that strange mask anyway?"

"It was a suggestion by some friends I visited on my trip."

"Must you wear it in here?"

Enrick took a moment to contemplate before slowly removing the accessory from his face and placing it nearby. Surely it would be fine if he only wore it outside right? They can't have meant for him to wear it all the time after all. "So where is that brother and sister of mine?" his eyes focused on the consumption of his meal, ears awaiting a response from his mother. An unexpected sob came from her direction instead, as he looked up he noticed her eyes had begun to fill with water, threatening to overflow. She looked away quickly, hiding her face when she noticed his stirring worry "no no, you finish your meal first." He finished what was left in his bowl, a horrible feeling rising within before putting his spoon down and swallowing. An uncomfortable silence taking over the room before he finally spoke up "What happened." His mother took a shaky breath, "your brother is dead Enrick."

Plague of divinityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora