Chapter 6

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As Enrick strolled down the street, he sighed. There was something he almost felt like he was missing. Something itching at him that he felt he should realize. He could feel it when he had been in the house, Cylssandre's bedroom especially, but he just couldn't figure out what his feelings were trying to tell him.

He noticed a grey shape moving at the edge of his vision, turning his head to which he sighted the skinny stray he had previously become acquainted with. Was it following him? Giving a shrug he continued to walk, turning his head away from it and back to the street in front of him. It wasn't bothering him and besides, it was kind of nice to have someone else with him. Fishing around in one of his pockets, he found a chicken bone wrapped in a small piece of cloth. He was going to dry it and use it for trying out medicines but he supposed he could always get another one. Carefully unsheathing it from the cloth he placed the cloth back in his pocket and tossed the bone to the animal. The dog snatched it up and began tearing into the small particles of flesh left on the tasty morsel. Upon hearing the dog eating up whatever it could on the scrap, a small smile pulled gently at the corner of Enrick's mouth. It wasn't much, but he still found it cute how thankful the beast was for something, even as small as the chicken bone. It was probably for the best it kept its distance for now, as a potential carrier for the plague, Enrick knew he shouldn't take any risks of catching the plague from the stray.

He was getting close to the temple now. Deciding to take a glance at the inside out of curiosity, he walked closer. For those who bothered to take a look, it was a pretty magnificent structure. The grand stone statues of the gods stood proudly in the temple, making sure to capture the might and power of these beings. Below these statues were engravings, showing their name and how they came to be. Near the back of the temple held the large sacred stones containing ancient symbols etched into them. These monolithic stones were said to have been used for telling stories of old. The walls were decorated with paintings and other pieces of artwork dedicated to the divine, plaques of information underneath. The temple was always observed carefully by the priests. People were allowed inside but if anyone dared try and touch anything within without permission, the consequences were dire.

Enrick looked at the statues. The defaced statue of Rhaldir the god of rot was looking much less defaced, it's obvious the priests hadn't let the vandal leave until they had left it looking cleaner than before. The priest who had seen the penalty carried out stood proudly before it, speaking to someone nearby, long robes hitched up slightly in the heat showing off reddish brown sandals. There was a small part of Enrick that was a little glad the persecutor had been caught. This temple was an important structure to the town and was well looked after, it wouldn't be hard for Enrick to recall memories as child having fun near it due to the markets frequently held nearby. It was hardly an eyesore within the town and it should stay that way.

But... as a person he was glad he stepped in. He knew the plague was stressing everyone out and was also sure the priest never intended to actually harm the person, his best guess is he was just putting on a show for the crowd as a warning to those who might think defiling the gods at a time like these was a good idea especially at a time like this... but better safe than sorry.

Enrick gazed at the faces of the statues as he had done many times as a kid. Their familiarity almost gave the same feeling as looking upon old friends, ones you could turn to in times of need. A warmth stirred inside his chest, it felt nice to remember playing around here as a child. It made him feel nice that the temple had at least mostly stayed the same since he had been gone, and would hopefully continue to do so long after he died as an old man a long time from now.

He gave it one last wistful look before continuing on his way. He was nearly at the field by now. Nearly at the place he would go and gather some of the herbs that could protect his family and everyone else.

Looking ahead he noticed something slightly odd, a small gathering of people crowded around someone by the look of it. Trying to look casual he walked past, not wanting to be nosey and trying to mind his own business, but then he heard a familiar voice speak... Aldrion. Curiosity getting the best of him he slowed down near the group to see if he could catch the reason as to why they were gathered.

"Whoa! Are you sure it's legitimate?"

"Of course, I found it myself. There's no way a scale like this could belong to anything else,"

"I can't believe it, surely we should tell the priests?"

"No. I don't want them interfering. If they want a scale, they can go and find Sherizawa themselves."

Enrick paused. Sherizawa... the snake monster Sherizawa? Son of Kyrthon the sun god Sherizawa? No... this is ridiculous. There's was no way what was being said could be true. No one he knew had ever actually seen Sherizawa. He was mythic being, why would he want to be anywhere near people?

He was about to continue on his way when he finally noticed what the dark haired man was holding in his hand. It was... beautiful. A large colourful scale that shimmered in the sun, almost appearing to glow. It looked almost like a gemstone. He was mesmerized. The man noticed Enrick and gave a crooked grin "Well, if it isn't my favourite doctor Enrick, hard at work I see,"

Enrick froze at being noticed, a small blush caressing his face in embarrassment, thankfully hidden by the mask he wore. He hadn't meant to stop but he had admittedly allowed himself get distracted by the presence of a sacred artefact. "I... was just on my way... to do doctor stuff,"

Aldrion raised a questioning eyebrow "Mhm? I see," before looking up at the sunny skies "I mean, it sure would be a shame to enjoy the nice day when there are doctor things to do huh?"

Enrick nodded.

"Yeah... sure."

Aldrion let out a small chuckle and crossed his toned arms "you wouldn't happen to be interested in joining us on a little excursion would you?" he inquired.

"I-I'm sorry, I have to do... doctor stuff... you know," Enrick mimicked the action of picking herbs and a couple of other random actions to make it seem more authentic and he didn't just want to not tag along with them.

Aldrion shrugged "if you're too busy we'll understand, no harm in that," a subtle devilish smirk slowly appeared on his face, his eyes flicked over Enrick's form and he closed the distance between them until he was close enough to speak in an audible low voice, as if he was telling him an important secret "If you did come however... you'd probably get to see the rare sight of an ancient deity... but as I mentioned before, if you're too busy we'll understand..." he turned away slightly.

Enrick screamed internally, this was ridiculous, why did they have to find the stupid sacred artefact now? Right when he had a plague to cure too! He wanted to see the ancient monster so badly. He'd loved learning about the history of the gods as a kid and now he might actually get the chance to meet and talk with one! It almost felt unfair Aldrion was the only one that would get the chance to see the being when he himself couldn't. He was so frustrated he wanted to shout, but managed to control himself, only refraining to tightening his fist.

"...No... I'm sorry but I have work to do."

Enrick could feel his inner child cry out, I wanna see the big scary monster too damnit! But he was forced to silence this voice as best as he could. He had a responsibility he had to take care of. As soon as he remembered that fact, and the fact he was doing this to save the people he loved, the voice quietened down a little and instead went to sulk in the corner.

Aldrion stared at him for another moment, before nodding and turning around. "Ok Enrick." He walked back to his previous position and continued to talk to the group. Enrick relaxed muscles he didn't realize he had been tensing before finally forcing his legs to work and walk him away from the crowd, not like he really wanted to be around them anyways.

Stupid Aldrion with his stupid proposal. It was probably a bullshit scam anyways, there's no way it could actually be real... even if he did have a cool scale which he definitely wasn't jealous of at all >:(

Enrick looked back when he was far enough away, looks like Aldrion's charisma had quite the following. Enrick squinted as a familiar shape in the crowd caught his eye, was that... Mags?

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