Chapter 25

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Enrick's feet padded against the pavement as he made his way from house to house. There seemed to be a little spring in his step today as he walked along, his excited expression staying hidden behind the neutral face of the bird mask. With each footstep he could feel the blood in the container he had brought along sloshing around. If he had been a child he would have been repulsed but as he had grown more accustomed to such things with maturity, he found himself less bothered. If anything, the steady sloshing was almost relaxing at this point. He had been busy since he woke up collecting blood from anyone who would be happy to give some up for the sake of the cure and had been fairly successful thus far.

He continued on his way, knocking on doors and dispelling doubt if raised. Eventually he found himself approached by someone. The older priest let out a smile at the masked man as he began to walk beside him.

"You are Enrick, yes?"

There was something about his smile that unsettled Enrick, he couldn't quite pick out what it was though. He nodded in response.

"I am,"

"Ah, the young doctor himself! I must say it is wonderful to see you around town again, you were gone for quite some time,"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"I bet seeing your family must have been wonderful after all that time hm?"

"It was nice,"

The priest didn't need to know the details of how he really felt when he came back.

"Have you spent much time with them since returning?"

"I mean, they're my family so..."

"Of course of course... I suppose, I'm asking if you had much fun with them?"

Enrick turned his head slightly towards the priest, a sense of suspicion was stirring within. He wasn't trying to get him to confess setting the temple on fire with Mags, would he?

"Such as?"

The priest raised his hands with a light chuckle.

"Ohoh nothing nothing, I just wanted to make sure you were doing ok since coming back! I know it can't be easy doing everything on your own when it comes to trying to fix this little sickness we've been having,"

"I'm doing fine, Mags is doing fine, and my mother is doing fine."

The priest suddenly raised his eyebrows in fake surprise before pretending to realize something, clapping his hands together once.

"Oh yes, I remember what happened now! I am sorry about your brother, such a nice young man, it was a real shame when no one could do anything for him as he lay there choking on his own blood-"

Enrick's eyebrows narrowed, what the hell was wrong with this priest? Why would he mention something as horrible as that to him? He was feeling increasingly uncomfortable.

"Excuse me?"

"I must say though, it sure is nice that your mother and sister are still alive. Especially your lovely sister Mags... although I did hear a rumour that your mother might have caught the old illness..."

The words coming from the priest's mouth were very odd, it was obvious he was trying not to let it show but it almost felt like the positive suggestion towards Mags left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.

"Are they at home right now? I was thinking of sending one of the priests to go and bless her and pray for a swift recovery."

Enrick swallowed, he had a feeling the priest was definitely after Mags, probably for what she had done to the temple.

"No!-... I mean, no. They wouldn't be home right now. They're busy."

"Is that so?,,, How unfortunate,"

"Yeah, terrible. Guess you'll have to go some other time."

"I guess so, thank you for your time Enrick. I do hope you have a blessed day~"

The priest gave him a sickly sweet smile before leaving his side and walking in a different direction. Enrick suspected he hadn't believed his lie due to the fact his mother wouldn't be moving much due to the fact she was bedridden but... maybe the priest didn't know. He sighed, just hoping his fib would keep them away from the house long enough for him to finish his job and warn Mags. He knew they were after her and she wouldn't be safe if they got to her.

He would let her know as soon as he was done. He had waited too long to stop what he was doing now and he needed to make sure he had enough blood for what he needed to do, it would be a waste of time if he didn't. People were getting sicker and sicker every day, this was too important to hold off. He had wanted to check on his mother but there was a part of him that had been too afraid of what he might find... and besides, even if she was still... you know... she still would need to rest and bothering her might disturb her peace... right?

Guilt twisted in his stomach. He was a horrible son, and just as bad a brother for leaving her care for Mags to handle. If he had the time... no, the energy, he would probably spend more time with them and he should, but there was a part of him that couldn't stand himself getting close to them after so long if it meant he might just lose them. It would still hurt, but a foolish, naïve side of him still suggested it might hurt less if he did. He was being an idiot and he knew it, but he couldn't bring himself to change it until he was certain he could keep them with him.

He continued on his path through the houses, doing his task dutifully, the container getting fuller and fuller as he proceeded. He still felt uneasy about the recent conversation and the following thoughts that he couldn't seem to get out of his mind, not that he was trying very hard to do so, but he couldn't stop now. He didn't have much left to do anyways, and when he was done... He could change this whole scene, no more people dying helplessly, no more unnecessary suffering and no more distrust and drama.

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