Chapter 7

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Enrick sighed. This was ridiculous, he could see why his mother was so worried when he came back now, she seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble. He just hoped she'd be ok despite being around someone like Aldrion. It's not like he didn't trust her to look after herself though, she was a strong woman.

He didn't have time for this. The last thing he wanted was Aldrion to see him looking and want to go after him once more. No, he had to focus on the task at hand. The soft golden fields lay swaying ahead of him. He knew the person who owned this land, an old man called Arius, and they had been fine with him going through and exploring on previous occasions. If anything his herb picking was good because it made sure there was more room for the crops, even if there didn't seem enough of them to cause a problem in the first place. Enrick entered the field, lifting himself over the fence without too much difficulty and began making his way across the enclosed land.

His hand slowly reached out to the side, gently brushing against the soft wheat, a small smile spreading on his face. He enjoyed being around people, but he forgot how nice it was to be alone sometimes. His hands slowly reached up to his mask. He desperately wanted to feel the breeze on his face, it felt like it had been so long since he had taken a breath of fresh Mordich field air. It was probably more of an acquired taste, but there was something about the scent of manure tainting the air that filled him with a slight sense of nostalgia. When he was learning about becoming a doctor, he would frequent these areas, mind thirsty to learn more about how to use the strength of nature to help those in need.

His mind flashed to those he had met on his travels. The friends he had learned from on the way. He thought it was a silly idea and uncomfortable to wear a mask when he had first put it on.

"Lena are you drunk again? There's no way this silly thing is going to keep out the grabbing hands of sickness, even if there really was a plague," This earned him a playful flick on his ear "Idiot boy, have I not told you to listen when I tell you something?" The woman chuckled and put her hands on the side of his face "come now, you can trust me on this, take my advice and you'll be fine," Enrick slowly raised his hands to his face to hold hers, his heart drumming, a warmth spreading in his chest. "When I come back, will you still be here?" hope laced his voice as he asked the question. The woman in front of him grinned "Of course, you still have so much to learn. I know you're smart enough to fix it. When you come back I'll teach you everything."

Enrick raised his hands to the sides of his face, still in the mask. He could feel his heart ache at the memory. Once he had finished here he couldn't wait to go back and learn more from the other doctors. When he had started on his journey he thought he already had a great expanse of knowledge at his disposal but that all changed when he met the others. A travelling group with members from all over the place, all sharing knowledge and ideas he hadn't even thought of. Interacting almost made him feel like a child, they were all so experienced, but he appreciated greatly the things they had taught him. It was a very refreshing experience as opposed to staying in the town of Mordich with a stalemate of knowledge he hadn't realized he was stuck in. But then again. If he hadn't left in the first place, or if he had at least waited a bit perhaps he could have been more useful, maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened in the first place.

If he could go back in time he would, but as the doctor Lena would have told him, there's no point in toiling in the past if you can still fix the future. He wasn't going to let her down and he wasn't going to let his family down either or the town.

Looking further ahead, beyond the field he could see the misty forest in the distance. A sigh escaped his chest. The forest contained lots of twisted trees and always seemed to be doused in fog. Tourists were usually told to stay away from that place, as anyone who isn't careful upon entry could easily become lost and stuck amongst the intimidating surroundings and hidden fauna. It's been said on multiple accounts that people unfamiliar with the place have been lucky enough to escape the woods days later but been overcome with madness. Some people however have just disregarded these as just some fools entering the area and feasting upon the first good-looking plant they set eyes upon. It is all just speculation anyways, people are usually careful. One of the popular rumours that hang around the place is that the goddess of illusions and mischief Merethyl claimed that part of the forest and built her house somewhere inside, supposedly only the mad could see it though, which he supposed shouldn't be that surprising.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Enrick jumped at the sudden voice beside him, turning his head swiftly to notice the woman not standing too far away from him.

"Excuse me?"

"I said it's beautiful isn't it? The forest I mean."

Enrick took a closer look at the woman. Her frame was strong but effeminate, even as she leaned on the pitchfork her muscles had obviously been well worked on a regular basis. Her hair was mostly concealed by a dirty farmer's hat but a few golden locks still escaped. A piece of chewed on wheat sported from her mouth, her face accompanied by a wistful expression as she stared at the forest, as if there was something she wished for within.

"The forest?"

"Yeah. You don't find the twisted trees enchanting? The mist suggesting hidden secrets yet to be discovered?"

Enrick tilted his head, his face pulled into a confused expression

"I'm sorry I don't think we've met, do you work on these fields?"

The woman let out a chuckle "you could say that," she then gave a nod in greeting.

"I'm Ave, it's nice to meet you."

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