Chapter 19

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Enrick spent quite a while afterwards working on refining the cure within the cellar. He had wanted to be thorough with his testing of it. Days he spent within, with only the gentle flickers of multiple candles keeping the darkness at bay. He wasn't eating much but still occasionally a meal would be passed down to him by his sister to make sure he wasn't accidentally starving himself. Being so focused on the research to be done in front of him he lost track of days and nights, only sleeping when exhaustion took over.

One day his sister knocked on the door as per usual. He made an audible noise of greeting before the entrance was opened, the light shining in causing him to wrinkle his nose. "Mhm?"

"Your friend's here to see you."

"My hm?" He tiredly looked over at her.

"He wants to see you, come on,"

"Mm," Enrick murmured something ineligible before turning back to his work, causing his sister to roll her eyes.

"Oh come on, it shouldn't take long. It's not healthy to live in the dingy cellar as you're doing. If you get some fresh air it might help you work faster. I'm not really sure why you chose to work in here anyways really, it stinks. Whatever happened to the Enrick that liked working outside?"

"If Lydia and Samael nearly found success this way. I can too..."

Mags stayed quiet for a moment before walking down over to him and grabbing his arm to pull him up "I bet they at least took breaks."

"Of course they didn't, they were hard working doctors," He muttered, becoming a sluggish dead weight in her arms.

"You're not a ground dwelling mushroom, you need sunlight just like everyone else." She puffed in annoyance.

"I'm not a plant either." He sighed.

"Could have fooled me," She muttered under her breath before picking him up and beginning to drag him.

He groaned tiredly, allowing himself to be moved, hoping she'd give up so he could get back to work.

"Don't be so dramatic, are you really going to let me drag you all the way like an oversized infant? Now I wonder what your friend would think seeing a grown man being lugged into his presence by his smaller sister all because he was too lazy to walk himself,"

"What a strong woman she is?"

"Use your legs or I'll drop you," She raised him higher threateningly.

Giving a reluctant sigh he shifted his weight to his legs and stood up.

"Fine, take me to him."

He begrudgingly followed her to the door, when opened revealing a familiar face that let out a whistle upon seeing him.

"Someone didn't sleep well,"

Enrick stared at him for a moment before glancing at mags who also had her own eyes on Enrick and then back at Aldrion.

"It's not that bad, is it?"

Aldrion tilted his head slightly and squinted.

"Maybe I should come back later to take you to the cool thing I was going to show you. You obviously need a nap,"

"Yeah you might have to, I've been trying to tell him for ages to get some rest. Unfortunately he's a really bad listener,"

"It wouldn't work, I'd just continue working."

Aldrion put his hand up as if he was confiding in them a secret.

"But Enrick you don't understand, it's really cool,"

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