Chapter 3

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Enrick was being pulled along. The wheat in the field around him slicing his skin as he was dragged through it by some mysterious force. Despite their grasp on his ankles couldn't seem to see who they were, although he could catch a glimpse of a humanoid silhouette. "Hey, what's going on? Who are you?"... No response. Unsurprising though really. Enrick could feel the words but his mouth didn't seem to want to speak them. Truth be told it didn't feel like his body really wanted to do anything despite his mind's begging. His body felt heavy and exhausted, aching all over, especially around his chest. It wouldn't move. The best he could get out of it was being pathetically dragged along by the mysterious stranger.

He tried to twitch. Nothing. He attempted to wriggle. Nothing. Feeling fear creep through his veins he did his best to scream or at least get the other person's attention. Nothing. Eventually he felt his feet released and dropped to the ground. The being who had been dragging him before now standing near his face, apparently deciding to pause for a while. Enrick's head was rested to the side so he could only see what would have been the feet of them, he could only however see the dark shape of feet bearing pale sandals. They glided past him and another jolt of fear entered his body. "Wait, no-!" He desperately wanted to lift his arm after them, trying to get them to stay but his paralysis continued to get the better of him "Please don't leave me here!" he could feel his chest tightening at the thought of what else might be in the field at this time. "You can't leave me here!" he wanted to cry out at the figure in a desperate attempt to save himself but it was too late. He couldn't hear him, and he was left alone.

Enrick woke up in a cold sweat and sat up breathing heavily. He could move? He took a moment to slow his breathing and move his fingers. He was ok, everything was working fine. Thank gods, it looks like it was only a dream. Once he had regained a more normal heartrate he realized he could hear a familiar voice accompanied by unfamiliar chuckling coming from the kitchen upon waking up. Once the sounds hit his ears, only one word came to mind.


"-did you see his face when he found the paint? Absolutely priceless!"

"The rage in his eyes- honestly couldn't believe he got away so lightly after soiling one of the priest's precious statues,"

"I mean, come on, he got off lightly for pissing of a priest. I heard he nearly cut a kid's hand off in a fit of anger after he touched one of the statues with a dirty hand the other day."

"No way... really?"

Two heads turned as Enrick's maskless face looked around the doorway, his chest filling with warmth as he laid eyes on the familiar person in front of him. A smile grew on his face as his sister noticed him and let out an excited squeal at the sight "Ensick, welcome back!"

Enrick wrinkled his nose at the old nickname and barely had time to open his arms before his sister threw herself at him, arms firmly grasping him and compressing his lungs. Even though there was no room for air he could still feel warmth enter his chest at being reunited with another family member.

"It's... good to... see you too... maggot," he gasped out before she let go, allowing sweet oxygen to once again enter and fill his lungs. Once he had regained composure he looked back at his sister who just realized he was unfamiliar with the other person in the room, who was currently standing by the basket she had been placing things into.

"Ah yes, you haven't seen her in a long time have you? This is Louisa, she used to live here ages ago but only returned a couple months back. I don't think you knew her that well previously but she's pretty great, we hang out a lot nowadays. Louisa this is Ensick, my brother and the local doctor,"

Enrick gave a nod of greeting in Louisa's direction "oh by the way, my real name is Enrick. If she tries to tell you otherwise I want you to pinch her," he beckoned to his sister, earning a light punch to the shoulder "Rude,"

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