Chapter 30

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Rhaldir's POV

The sun shone gently upon the golden wheat that swayed gently with each lick of breeze. Another beautiful day in the town of Mordich. Near the fence of the field lay two individuals, comfortably rested in the shade. One being a blonde woman, a dirty farmer's hat covering her face from the sun, her strong figure relaxing into the grass she lay on. Her cow like ears lay uncovered by the hat, her similarly cow like tail twitching ever so often to swat away any flies that might come to close for her interest.

Though she lay fully on the ground, the black haired man nearby was rested against a tree. His hair long black and slicked back with a couple of stray strand or two out of formation. He was at an angle where he could be at comfort with his fly like wings and his form fitting torso armour accompanied by furred shoulder pads. His head cushioned against the tree by his gloved hands, his expression looked peaceful, eyes closed and his dry lips resting in their normal neutral shape.

The two lay there in a serene silence until the man leaning against the tree spoke up.

"So Avelia, what kind of week have you had?"

Her tail swayed gently in thought.

"Not too bad, but there don't seem to be many humans around these days. Nice to see they're still looking after the fields though. I love to help out but they wouldn't learn anything if I did their job for them all the time,"

She let out a yawn before returning the question.

"How about you? I've noticed you've been having quite a lot of fun with a plague recently,"

He shrugged in a nonchalant manner.

"Eh, mostly just letting off some steam. Cylssandre and I had a fight,"

"Oh, she was the cute one right? How is she?"

"She's dead Avelia. I killed her months ago because she tried to use me to bring back her dead brother. Thought I'd be able to help, goddess of death as a mother and all. She confessed she never even liked me to begin with when she found I couldn't help her. I mean, I tried to, but apparently half rotted zombies aren't her thing,"

"Oo she's missing out,"

"I decayed her on the spot,"

"A real winner you are,"

The man playfully flicked a small stone at her, causing her to give a little chuckle.

"Anyway- I wasn't done yet."

"Ok, continue."

"So of course due to having my heart broken, I decided to kill the ones she loved too, aka her family. Noticed her ghost hanging around so I thought I'd give her a nice little package deal."

"As you do,"

"So I was going about my daily life, making sure my little flies were doing their job when one of them told me something interesting,"


"Apparently one of her family member's was a doctor,"


"Wasn't sure which one, so I thought it would be best just to kill of all of them along with their respective families, to be safe you know?"

"Yeah, sure,"

"But then something funny happened, another doctor came to town, turns out he lived there recently he had just been on a little trip,"

"You think that was the doctor they meant?"

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