Chapter 12

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Enrick could feel a shiver run through him as he began to walk down the street. He wanted to deny it but he could feel another strange feeling creeping through his body. No. tonight has been awful enough as it is, the last thing he needed was something else making it worse but then again, what could be worse than seeing someone you hoped to save's corpse. His mind was still haunted by that sudden and unexpected event. He was used to bodies but he wouldn't usually accidentally fall on them in the middle of a dark field at night. He shuddered at the memory.

As he walked towards the direction of his house he could distinguish something faintly in the distance, a dark shape tall enough to be rising over some of the buildings. He stared at it as he continued to walk. His footsteps sped up a little. He wasn't sure what it was, and he didn't really want to check it out in case it meant trouble but... the shape appeared to be a hefty cloud of smoke.

He was contemplating taking the route that avoided it, after all, he wasn't a firefighter and he didn't need the extra drama but... what if someone was in danger? Where there was smoke there would almost certainly be fire and he hadn't heard of any large bonfires to be lit anytime soon which meant the only logical answer was that someone left their cooking fire lit or something.

He was doing the right thing, right? And besides if he were to go there now while it was like this he would probably just get in the way, I mean it's not like he's the only one in the town around at this time able to help... His train of thought paused for a moment. No, he might not be the only one able to help but he was the only doctor in the village at the moment... meaning if there was anyone hurt...

Enrick let out a groan, could he not just have a break? His only desire at the moment was to go home and curl up in bed. He didn't want to deal with this but he knew he didn't have a choice; he could at least check it out and see if they needed any help. Conveniently for him the location seemed to be up ahead, on the way home. Meaning if there was no need for his help he wouldn't need to have detoured unnecessarily.

As he neared the thick clouds the amber glow became more visible. His eyebrows narrowed, trying to prepare himself for what he might need to do if worst comes to worst. He turned the corner of the building and his feet stopped in place. He felt a stab of fear. No... No No. He forced his legs to move but they seemed to be fastened in place.

The temple was ablaze, the huge inferno forcefully grasping any flammable material with angry sticky fingers, clutching upon it and gorging on it to grow even larger. A raging beast yet to be tamed despite the droplets desperately falling from the sky, which had begun to increase once more.

Enrick began to force his legs to move over to the inferno, slowly speeding up into a run. His heart was beating out of his chest as he felt a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. No No no this wasn't right, how did this even happen? This sacred place had been up for hundreds of years, so why is it burning down now? As he neared the flames he could hear terrified screaming from within. Shit, there were people inside!

Would he be able to help? There were a few people gathering outside, some helping those who had managed to get out and others trying to reach whoever was left inside. Maybe he could help after all, I mean he was the only doctor and these people desperately needed his assistance-

His train of thought was interrupted as his arm was grabbed and he was yanked roughly into an alley. He tried to get away so he could go and offer assistance but a familiar voice spoke up "Stop struggling!"

"What the hell are you doing? There are people that need help-!" He turned his face only to be met with Mags with a serious expression on her face

"Have you lost your mind? You can't go in there!"

"What do you mean I can't?"

"Because I was the one that it, idiot!"

Enrick froze at this sudden news. He could feel a few different emotions starting to rush within him but mostly hurt. He looked at her, with horror in his eyes, even if she couldn't tell as they were hidden by a mask.

"I'll tell you more later, we have to get out of here. Now."

"No Mags, there are people there that need my attention, I'm the only doctor in the town and people are getting hurt!"

Mags grabbed his face and twisted it towards the burning temple, of which it appeared people were being dragged out of.

"See? They're fine, now come with me!" Still holding onto him she began to drag him away.

Enrick wasn't sure what to do, why did she want him to get away so badly? Did she want people to get hurt? Did she not want him to help put the fire out? It's true the people were out of the building but they were most likely injured in some way and he was expected to leave?

"Mags, please, I can't-!"

She didn't seem to be listening and continued to pull them until they had reached the outside of their home. They were both out of breath. Enrick turned to look at her, a look of betrayal in his eyes.

"W-why did you do this?"

She looked down silently, staring at her hands with her eyebrows narrowed while Enrick's eyes begged for an answer.

"...They threatened Louisa."

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