Chapter 15

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Aldrion spoke up, a smirk still on his face "Apologies, did I scare you?"

Enrick blushed under his mask in embarrassment "No. just surprised me a little is all."

What the hell was he doing here?! Aldrion bent over to pick up the papers Enrick had dropped held them out to him. To which Enrick reluctantly took them back.

"I heard there was a fire last night, did you hear?"

Enrick froze "I uh, no. A fire you say?"

"Yeah, in the temple, nearly killed some people."

Enrick stayed silent, hoping if he didn't say anything the other man would take the hint and go away. He wanted to concentrate on his work instead of having to hang around this guy who he barely knew but seemed to have a knack for bumping into him as of recently.

Aldrion instead of taking his hint continued to sit, taking out his own book to read quietly next to him. Enrick subtly glanced at the book he was reading out of curiosity, it appeared to be a book on ancient rituals of some kind, odd taste but whatever, who was he judge. He tried to just continue reading the papers, paying no mind to the man beside him... but he found it hard to concentrate when he was sitting right there.

"Hey... Aldrion was it?"

Aldrion looked over to him, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Yeah uh, what is it that you want?"


"It almost feels like you've been watching me, it's kind of creepy actually how often we seem to be bumping into each other considering how little we actually know about each other. So what is it that you want exactly?" Enrick turned to face him.

Aldrion narrowed his eyebrows "What you do you mean what do I want? We hadn't seen each other in a while, I thought you might have liked to get reacquainted that's all. Where's all this coming from?"

"Reacquainted? Aldrion, I barely know you. We met what, a few days ago? And you're treating me like an old friend."

Aldrion gave a look of confusion before realization hit. He then silent for a few moments, eyes slowly narrowing as they were focused on Enrick.

"You don't remember..."

Enrick looked briefly to the side before looking back at Aldrion, a little uncomfortable by the way he looked at him. Despite making the previous comment he almost felt like he was the one in the wrong. Was there something he was forgetting?

"Remember... what?"

"-Do you. You don't remember... do you."

Aldrion continued to look at him, it was subtle but it almost appeared as if his alluring dark eyes carried a hint of sadness.

"Enrick, do you remember when you were a kid and you found a boy in the forest with a broken leg?"

Enrick paused. No, it couldn't be... could it? Surely he would have recognised him if it was the same boy... right? He tilted his head slightly as he gave the man in front of him a closer look. It had been a while since he last saw the boy, quite a few years. I mean, he would have surely grown up by now, same as Enrick had.

"You vomited when you saw me, or my leg I like to assume. I'd hardly forget something like that,"

Aldrion let out a small chuckle.

"You made quite the fool of yourself and if I remember correctly earlier on that day I had pushed you into horse manure because of some reason I can't seem to recall,"

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