Chapter 18

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Enrick got to work, studying the papers hard and reading about what the previous doctors had done when he had been gone. The papers spoke about the experiments in the basement and what was contained within the vials. He picked up one of the small containers and gave a breath as he studied the liquid inside. According to the papers, vial number 2 was supposed to contain a cure nearly completed, the only herb he was missing was... catmint? How convenient. He guessed hadn't had time to go looking? Apparently all he needed to do was add it in and let it sit for a couple of hours before it would be ready for consumption by an infected person. Reading back on the papers it looked as if they weren't even sure if it would work at all but... it was the last thing that had a chance of working that they could think of. Everything else they had tried had failed. As he was reading it, Enrick could tell they had been getting desperate. It was unsettling reading his dead co-workers' notes as they became more and more frantic, the more experiments they tried that didn't work the more people they knew they had to experiment on, to sacrifice for the greater good; if the results turned sour. It looked like they became willing to try almost anything...

There was another vial. The reason they made it was a little unclear along with what was actually inside it but... they seemed intent on having someone drink it, one of the two doctors or one of the priests. Enrick's eyes narrowed as he looked closer at the paper... One of the priests? He looked at the vial before looking back at the paper. The part mentioning the vial seemed to be a little smudged but there were a few words which were just about legible.

Rhaldir, god of rot.

He paused, an expression of confusion crossing his face as he looked closer. Rhaldir? What could they want with the god of rot? It wasn't out of practice for them to hope to the gods for the health of their patients or for their blessing to find a cure but it was weird to find Rhaldir's name referring to a strange liquid in a vial... Maybe they were asking for help and this was some kind of offering?

Enrick sighed before putting the vial down, he'd consider what it could be used for later, for now he needed to focus on the potential cure in front of him. So it needed catmint huh? He went upstairs to grab what he had collected earlier before hurrying back. Reading over what was suggested to be done once more he took the leaves and did as he was told. This had to work. After all of those papers he had a feeling had he stayed he would have come up with very similar ideas to what they had... He hadn't learnt enough from the doctors he had visited to create something entirely new out of the blue in that short a time, and even if he did he probably didn't have the ingredients to make anything better, as the youngest doctor of the trio he just didn't have the experience. He bit the inside of his cheek as he finished the next step that was suggested. Now he only needed to wait a few hours.

He began to reread the papers but quickly found his eyelids growing heavy, he tried to force them to stay open but his tiredness took victory and he quickly fell asleep.

Enrick woke up suddenly in a cold sweat, he could hear someone calling his name from the room above. The candle that had previously stood tall beside him had nearly burnt itself out, he must have been asleep for hours. He gave a yawn before suddenly remembering the fluid he had been waiting on, surely it would be complete by now? His eyes quickly turned to gaze at it, thankful the little vial hadn't been knocked over in his unconscious state. It seemed to have changed slightly to a darker shade which meant the catmint would hopefully be sufficiently infused. A smile crept onto his face as he gave it one last look before heading up out of the cellar.

Although he was glad about the cure seeming to come along well, he couldn't shake an itch at the back of his mind. He had had the same dream as last night and the foreboding feeling was beginning to irritate him. He was finally doing well! Making progress! So why was this stupid feeling coming to him now? Enrick sighed. No, he wasn't going to let a silly little feeling stop him from feeling glad things were coming along nicely. It just wasn't fair.

He eventually came out and found his mother laying the table. Her shaky hands laying down bowls and cutlery, murmuring to herself in a hoarse voice "It's been so long since we've had a meal together..." When her eyes eventually lifted to see her son a weak smile spread across her face "Ah, perfect, you're here! Go and fetch your siblings-... sister. Go and fetch your sister would you? Thank you sweetie,"

Enrick walked closer to her, she was looking even more frail than usual "Ma... are you feeling ok?"

She looked at him, the bags under her eyes dark "I feel fine! Why the concern?-"

Her sentence was broken off by a hacking cough into a rag she held. Looking into it Enrick could see flecks of a dark fluid. His heart froze.

"Ma, you need to go to bed! What are you doing walking around when you're sick?!"

A stab of worry entered his chest as he hurried to his mother's side.

"Don't mind me, it's just a little cough, that's all. I knew neither of you hadn't eaten so I thought I'd-"

"Please please go to bed! I wouldn't be able to eat knowing you feel this way and are still doing chores as you are,"

Her face turned to him, a hint of sadness in her eyes "But I wanted to eat with you..."

Enrick a wave of guilt at her expression but knew he had to make sure she was ok first. He thought for a moment before replying "We'll eat with you in your room... just please go to bed."

After a moment of contemplation she sighed "Alright... but don't make a mess ok?"

Glad she was complying Enrick helped her to her room, laying her on her bed before going to find mags and bring the food. He found Mags in her room on her own, squinting at a book and annunciating words under her breath. He walked in and stayed quiet until she noticed him.

"Oh... hey,"

"How long have you known?..."

"Well I actually noticed you as soon as you walked in I just wanted to finish the paragraph first,"

"no I mean... how long have you known about... Ma."

Mags went quiet for a moment "about... the blood?"

Enrick nodded, a worried expression on his face.

"...She's been like this for days." Mags spoke in a sombre tone "I kept asking her to rest but she kept refusing, saying the hard work will keep her strong. I'm surprised she listens to you at all actually." She turned her head away for a few moments before turning back, an uncertain desperation in her eyes "But... you can help her, can't you? I mean... you're the town doctor for crying out loud,"

Enrick paused before speaking up, trying not to let his uncertainty infiltrate his voice "Well... there is something that might work..." He rubbed the back of his neck with his gloved hand "But it's untested,"

Mags let out a breath of air after thinking for a moment, before looking him in the face "Ok... just please... if it might work, do it. We don't want it getting too late that we might not be able to... you know."

Enrick forced a reassuring smile onto his face under his mask and placed a hand on her shoulder "don't worry, I'm sure it'll work."

The two left for their mother's room, Enrick reheating the food quickly beforehand. They sat with her and talked just like they had around the dinner table when they were younger, after which the siblings went off to their own rooms and beds with a simple nod of mutual understanding before doing so.

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