Chapter 9

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Enrick took a breath, it was a nice feeling knowing he had more of a plan now. Not that he didn't before, but if he could find those notes, something told him he would have a much easier job and could use his time more effectively towards fighting the plague.

The wheat swayed around him as he made his way through, gloved hands gently feeling it as he passed by. He wanted to relax a little, he really did, but there was something that was still bugging him at the back of his mind. Something about this place. It wasn't his first time in the field, he'd been there multiple times before in the past... so why did now feel weird? He guessed he could just pass it off due to the fact he had just met someone he hadn't seen before... to his knowledge, but there was something telling him that wasn't it. No there was something else.

Enrick sighed and looked up at the sky where a few clouds had started to gather. It wouldn't be long until the light started to dim. Should he stay a bit longer? It had been a while since he had sat down and watched a sunset in the field. He turned his head to look behind him, where the sun would be setting. But then again... maybe he shouldn't. He really should start making his way home before it got too dark and besides, there was still that strange feeling he was getting. Almost like he should be wary, like there was something that happened here...

After debating with himself, he eventually decided that surely taking a few minutes to watch the sunset wouldn't hurt. I mean, it's not like his mother needed him back at a certain time like when he was a kid. He was an adult now, meaning he could do whatever he wanted theoretically. He looked around and noticed a large rock jutting out near where he was. Stumbling over to it he looked it over, it looked safe enough. With a little 'hrmph!' he hoisted himself upon the stone, swinging his legs around so he could watch the colourful sky as the sun slowly lowered in the sky. He glanced around to check if there was anyone around before slowly reaching for his mask. Undoing it he gently pulled it off his face. Finally, he could take a proper breath.

A smile grew on his face, feeling sudden happiness as the cool breeze brushed his face, he let out a chuckle. It felt amazing. He brushed a sweaty piece of hair out of his eyes before taking a moment for himself to once again enjoy the feeling of brief separation from the responsibilities thrust upon him. He couldn't wait to get rid of this sickness- No. No thinking about that for the moment. There would be time to think about it later on. He would have all the time in the world to worry about it later on. For now his only responsibility would be to stare at the gorgeous intertwining shades of amber, purple and blue as the clouds drifted upon the dimming orb of light. It was captivating to look at, he didn't think he'd be able to turn his head away even if he wanted to. Not that he did, not with that view.

There really was nothing like home, he could feel a sense of ease worm its way into his mind. Even if he was just staring at a sunset, he got the sense maybe he needn't worry about anything, at least not in that moment. Maybe he could be ok... even if just for a brief, glorious moment...

As the sun sank lower behind the distant forests, Enrick could feel the air get cooler. He stayed for a moment, watching the sky slowly darken slightly before a fat drop of water splattered on his gloved hand. After looking down in mild surprise he looked up at the thickened clouds above. Having been distracted by the vibrant hues of the setting sun, he had neglected to keep an eye on the weather around him. If he had been paying attention perhaps he would had noticed the slight change of feeling in the surrounding air. As more drops gradually fell from the sky, Enrick decided it was time to leave and go home. He gave a small stretch to loosen his muscles before sliding off the rock, feet catching him from falling into the dirt.

He began to walk, his steps increasing slightly as the drops from the sky began to multiply. He attached his mask back to his face and held his satchel on his side. He silently hoped he could get home before the rain increased to a downpour.

The long grass rustled around him, the wind picking up as the rain slowly intensified. He rushed through the field as quickly as he could, he could feel his heart beating as he ran along. He hadn't expected it to start raining while he was there but was silently thankful at the hat he had been wearing, even if it only provided slight protection against the drops.

The shadows after the sun had set had increased a bit, making it a little hard to see compared to the sunlight only a couple hours ago. Enrick could barely see his feet with the current lighting but still persisted, determined not to be caught in a rainy field in the dark. There was a little part of him that found this exciting, it reminded him of running to shelter in the past when he would treat it like a game with his siblings, trying to see who could reach cover first. It was a warm reminder of what used to be.

He was about halfway through when he misjudged a step and his foot caught on something. Having previously been running just a moment ago he ended up tripping forwards. He tried to catch himself but the mud was wet and his feet slipped out right from under him. He just in time managed to use his arms to lessen the blow of his fall but could definitely feel places bruises were going to be found later on. He paused for a moment in shock before letting out a groan and slowly trying to orientate himself. Turning his head he tried to see what had caused him to fall. He froze. This was too familiar. He looked up and felt a stab of fear in his chest. This scene was almost exactly like the dream he witnessed had a couple nights ago. No, it couldn't be. His eyes quickly returned to the object that had tripped him up, it was almost too dark to see.

He swallowed before squinting, trying to see it better despite the rain and lack of sun. He reached over with his gloved hand to try and poke the thing. It was squishy and felt odd against his hand...

Enrick got to his knees and moved in closer despite every instinct screaming at him to just go and get out of the rain while he still could but he had to find out if his irrational suspicions were correct.

His stomach churned as he got a better look. The thing he had been lying next to and had caused his fall in the first place was... a mutilated body.

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