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Aiga was incredibly happy. and tired. he wouldn't have minded a couple of his mom's sandwiches. but no. only some junky peanuts. not the healthiest. as I said. Aiga was happy. and tired. but mainly irritated.

Aiga was also not the only person on the first-class flight. there was also a kid in a creme colored sweater, and black jeans, some dude in a fedora, and a girl in a rainbow looking around batting her eyelashes. when she made eye contact with Aiga, gave a little mischievous smirk. Aiga hated people like this.

she stood up, giving a little flirtatious bat of the eyelashes as she approached Aiga. she sat down next to him, looking over to him as if expecting him to start a conversation. as if. eventually the girl got a little annoyed, so she started it.

"Hi!" she chirped, "I'm Valorie! but you can call me Val. if you want."

"Okay." Aiga replied awkwardly, "um. how about I just go-"

"Not yet silly!" Valorie giggled clamping her hand onto Aiga's arm, "we're still talking. it's rude to leave a conversation you know?"

rude to force one too.

and it went like that for fifteen minutes. Valorie was on a roll. if she told her group chat, she knew the Bey Champion then she'd become the head for a month at least! and then the plan started to land.

"Before we go," Val said batting her eyelashes and breakneck speed, "would you mind giving me your, waaah!"

somehow Valorie tripped. she leaped back up cheeks burning red. Valorie whipped her head around looking for whoever tripped her.

"WHO DID THAT!?!?!?!"  she roared

"did what?" the guy in the fedora asked.

"YOU!" Valorie pointed her finger at the kid, "YOU TRIPPED ME!"

"no he didn't." Aiga replied, "I did."

Valorie blushed so hard that she resembled more of a humanoid tomato. stuttering Val tried to talk to Aiga again but he just walked out the plane. only to be confronted by a slightly smaller annoyance. a mob of crazed fans.

"AIGA! AIGA!" one side of the crowd roared. the other side said something a little more peculiar though. something Aiga had never heard.


 "who's Evan?" Aiga asked himself.

"me." the kid in the creme sweater replied walking behind Aiga, "you haven't heard of me? or any of my books?"

"I don't read much." Aiga replied, "unless it's a bey maintenance guide. or manga."

"huh. well I'm one of the most popular authors in the world. I've written the nightshade graphic novels, future freaky chronicles, that kind of stuff."

"nope never heard of tha- woah."

Aiga saw an angel. or at least the closest thing to that. a pink haired girl, her hair braided with little star hair bands. red vest, yellow shirt, the prettiest face ever. when she saw Aiga she beamed, and threw herself in for a hug.

"Aiga!" she exclaimed, "it's been to long!"

"you two know each other?"

"oh!" she yiped, "I'm Nika Aoi. one of Aiga's old friends. me and my brother Toko will be escorting you down Beigoma academy."

holy shit. Aiga thought to himself, that's Nika? she's changed. in a good way. a really good way.

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