Scores to settle

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"Aiga!" Evan said, "my man! wow how are you such a good dancer? dude? you good?"

"yeah." Aiga said his face seemingly turned robot, "everything's fine. now I have to go to the bathroom."

once Aiga got into said bathroom, he promptly collapsed. four minutes of heaven can be taxing. but the efforts are worth the prize. pure bliss.

told you it'd be worth it. Achilles's voice echoed in Aiga's head, now was that so bad?

was worth it, I guess, Aiga replied, didn't think I'd even make it past half of the song.

well you did. just like I said.

shut up.

"Aiga?" Evan called into the bathroom, "you good dude? You looked a little pale. Hello?"

"I'm good!" Aiga replied, "what is it?"

"well the party's mainly over, and they're having a little Beyblade Tournament-"

wham! Aiga threw the door open so hard it smacked Evan in the nose, before slamming into the wall and nearly cracking it. Aiga looked like someone had just insulted his mother, his father, his little sister, and his mom's sandwiches. and also that he was certifiably crazy.


"Down by da coast," Evan muttered, "ah, my nose!"

five minutes later Aiga had, on foot, ran all the way down the long way, jumped over nearly 12 people while picking out a Bey mode for Limitless Achilles. Evan on the other hand, walked down their, the regular path, massaging his nose, looking at his Now-gram feed, and then polished Wrecker Steel once he got down there. after two seconds Aiga ran into Evan, smacking him in the nose again.


"Sorry!" Aiga snapped back, "but I haven't had a bey battle all week! and I have a score to settle. with those four clowns!"

Ranjiro, Fubuki, Laban and Xavier, who were already gathered around a bey stadium, looked up at Aiga with some what confused looks. He'd have to narrow it down.

"You're gonna have to narrow that down." Ranjiro rasped.

"we've done a lot of things." Fubuki said.

"like the whipping cream in your sock," Laban snickered

"or the chickens mobbing your tent," Xavier admitted

"can't forget the spicy ramen!" Ranjiro jeered

"that was you guys?" Aiga asked furious, "why I ought to- that's it! Bey battle! now!"

"like a battle royale or-" Fubuki started,

"All of you against me!"

"okay if you say so. Evan! you want in on this?"

"uh, okay." Evan replied, "wait how do you know my name?"

"you're an amazing author. I've read Future Freaks like a million times."

"huh. told you Aiga!"

two minutes later, Aiga, Evan, Ranjiro, Fubuki, Laban, and Xavier were all gathered around the bey stadium. Aiga with Limitless Achilles in attack mode. Evan with Wrecker Steel. Ranjiro with Blazing Ragnaruk. Fubuki with Riptide Forneus. Laban with Hunter Leopard. Xavier with Double-edged Xcalibur. was going to be a fight for the ages.

"ready?" Toko asked, raising his hand to begin the fight.

"Three!" the bladers took their position. a figure in the distance started running.

"Two!" Evan shifted nervously, unsure of his blading ability. the figure got closer to Evan.

"One!" Evan turned around hearing sounds behind him. the figure leaped over Evan.

"let it rip!" the battle begun.

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