Blader Isles

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"so where to?" Aiga asked taking a big bite out of his sandwich, "Valt said the tournament isn't until next week."

"all bladers have to be present for the preparations." Evan said "the style of your ring corners."


"the stadiums disconnect and move around. also you need to be there for signings."


"you'll see. oh and they couldn't spring for a hotel so they just rented a couple of cabins out for the month. and a campfire."

"who'll all be there?"

"as far as I know Valt, his family, and your family. probably some other big beyblader names."

"huh. cool. anything to eat?"

"you were supposed pack your own stuff. why am I not surprised?"

"uh oh."

one hour later Evan and Aiga touched down, without a plan yet with plenty of anxiety.

"what are we going to do?" Aiga asked pacing up and down the trailer, "no food, no money, no nothing! and the tournament isn't until wednesday! I can't fight on an empty stomach!"

"calm down." Evan said tapping some things on his phone, "we'll go fishing. there's a stream nearby. I also got some friends to help out. they'll be here-"

knock knock!

"right now. coming!"

Evan leaped off of the sofa, opened the door, and greeted the Aoi twins.

"we brought snacks!" Nika said holding up a paper bag, "who wants pizza bites?"

"ooh yum!" Evan said grabbing the bag, "thanks! did you bring some sodas?"

"right here!" Toko said grabbing some more bags out his wagon, "and some things for sandwiches. we have enough to feed the whole camp! first we brought stuff for Valt. then he brought stuff for us!"

"my sister probably wouldn't buy anything for me. if she even came at all."

"I thought she was sponsoring the tournament."

"she's not going to come until the day the tournament starts. enough of that. come in! I'll cook something up."

while Evan searched through the bags, and Toko went to give out some more food to the other cabins, Nika and Aiga sat on the only couch in the house. Aiga switched on the TV only to find out that the three of the four channels wheren't broadcasting anything and the fourth one was a cheesy sitcom that didn't make sense.

"are you kidding me?" Aiga yelled, "now what?"

"we could try a board game." Nika suggested opening the closet to a pile of half eaten cards and shredded cardboard boxes, "or not. there's got to be something here we can do."

two hours later dinner was ready. Toko stopped by with Aiga's sister, Naru along with Hikaru and Hyuga (who also forgot food) and helped Evan dish out some pizza. but Aiga and Nika were nowhere to be found. they tried the bedroom, the laundry room, and even the bathroom. when the five went up to the attic, thunder rumbled the house. everyone rushed to the living room, and found Aiga and Nika at the dining table, messing around with each other.

"where were you?" Toko asked "we've been looking everywhere for you!"

"well we where in the basement," Aiga explained, "when we smelled the pizza and came up here you guys were nowhere. oh, hey Naru!"

"whatever." Evan said grabbing a new pizza from the oven, "let's dig in!"

after a giant meal and a dessert of chocolate pie, the TV played an old movie. after popping popcorn, the group all gathered around the TV and watched the Adventures of Rick and Riley! or as Hyuga put it, "a movie cheesier than that pizza!" as a rainstorm towards the end though, the power went out.

"no!"  Toko cried, "what happened to the Golden Emerald? does Rick find out about Riley? what's going to happen next?"

"we," Evan said pulling on a big rain coat, "are going to check the breaker next. and grab some blankets from the help center. Hyuga, Hikaru! help Naru get back to her cabin. you guys should go home to. Nika, Aiga! you guys make sure we don't get any leaks."

and they did just that. Hikaru and Hyuga took Naru home before stealing half of Toko's food from his wagon. Toko and Evan nearly got zapped from lightning as they tried to turn the electricity back on before giving up and grabbing the blankets. and Nika and Aiga, well just take a look for yourself.

"nothing's leaking upstairs." Aiga grunted his face covered with cuts, "did find a crazy squirrel though."

"no flooding in the basement," Nika said taken aback by the scars on Aiga's face, "are you sure it was just one?"

"ha ha." Aiga grumbled "where are those two?"

"hope they get back soon. I hate thunderstorms."


"well last time me and Toko were at one of these tournaments we got lost. in a rainstorm. it was so scary and I get shivers thinking about it."

"it's okay. there's nothing to be afraid of. just don't go walking through the woods during a rainstorm!"

"heh. man it's cold."

"oh. uh, here's my coat. better?"

"y-yeah. sorry I'm tired."

"it's okay. I am t-too."

fifteen minutes later Evan and Toko walked back into the cabin, to see Aiga and Nika asleep on the couch.

"wha- Aiga- my sister-" Toko sputtered, "what's going on?"

"let them sleep" Evan said throwing a blanket over the two, "can't be much."

"but Nika's wearing Aiga's coat!" Toko argued.


"that's like a total boyfriend and girlfriend thing!"

"if it bothers you take Nika to your cabin. there's plenty of room in your wagon."

"I will."

while Nika was being towed away, the power came back on.

"Rick found out that Riley isn't his sister!" Evan yelled to Toko from the window,


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