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"again!" Aiga yelled, putting Achilles back on the launcher, "let's go again!"

"Aiga you already won, like what fifteen times?" Evan gasped wiping sweat away from his forehead, "how 'bout we do something else?"

"like what?"

"getting something to eat? I haven't had anything to eat besides the appetizers at last night's party."

"there were appetizers?"

"well yeah- did you even have anything to eat yesterday?"

"no. skipped breakfast. and lunch. and dinner."

"c'mon! we're going to get you something to eat."

five minutes later the boys were sitting outside of a bakery waiting for their orders to come in. Aiga fiddled with Achilles, and Evan was scrolling through the news feed on his phone.

"two chocolate maple swirl donuts," the waitress said putting down some paper bags, "one powdered jelly filled donut, a pink sprinkled donut, and who ordered this caffe mocha?"

"that would be me." Evan said reaching for his wallet, "I'll pay with credit."

after paying for the food, the door immediately opened again. this time a tall blue haired kid walked out, with a paper bag in hand, and a blue beyblade clipped to his belt. much to his delight he saw Aiga as he walked down the street."

"Aiga!" Valt greeted him, "how you doing bud?"

"ah!" Aiga exclaimed jumping out of his seat, "where'd you come from?"

"I live here. the Aoi's Bakery. didn't you see the sign?"

"well Evan found this place on his phone... you knew where we were."

"yep." Evan said leaning back in his chair.

"and didn't tell me."

"guilty as charged."

"doesn't matter." Valt said, "are you worried about the tournament next week?"

"what tournament?" Aiga asked dumbfounded

"the International Beyblade Champion Tournament. the one to determine the next Beyblade Champion."

"I thought that was next month!"

"we all got the memo a month ago. okay I see the problem now. well gotta run! have a date to go to."

Aiga banged his head against the table.

"next week," he groaned, "I need more training!"

"fine." Evan sighed grabbing his phone, "so much for a relaxing day"

Evan made a couple calls as he and Aiga walked home. after a couple of "yeah"s "uh huh"s and "that's fine"s he got off the phone and went into the tent to take a nap.

a girl around Aiga and Evan's age jumped off a bus pulling into Beigoma Academy. she had blonde hair with pink highlights falling out of a dark purple beanie. she blew giant wads of bubble gum and held a huge case with stickers covering the corners. she wore a pink t-shirt and baggy pants held up by a tool belt.

"Liz!" Evan exclaimed hopping out of the tent "so happy you could make it. so this is Aiga and he needs some training."

"what's in it for me?" Liz asked, "I'm not doing anything for free just because I trained your brother."

"she what?" Aiga asked,

"ignore that," Evan said, pulling out some dollar bills from his wallet, "here you go. two hundred dollars.

"plus equipment." Liz bargained, "I need some new screwdrivers. and a new memory card for my tablet."

"two fifty,"

"three hundred."

"don't push it."

after a shopping spree for parts, Aiga and Liz got to work.

"first your stance." Liz said studying Aiga "you need some more push. and less flair. the jump is nice and all but makes Achilles hit the ground so hard he loses stamina. try this." 

Liz typed some things up on her tablet and displayed it on her robot Bey launcher, Benny. his computer face displayed a new stance where Aiga stood one one leg arms raised behind him and to the sky.

"is that a dab?" Evan asked,

"no!" Liz scoffed, "this stance will help reduce stamina loss while also keeping, if not losing a small percentage of, all the speed Achilles gets from the jump thing. try it Aiga."

Aiga positioned himself in the stance that was displayed. after launch Achilles was, as predicted, going on for much longer.. but something was wrong.

"he doesn't like it." Aiga said, "Achilles likes the other launch better. apparently this one doesn't feel right to him."

"what?" Liz asked, swiping through her tablet, "but this maximizes his potential. even for you that must seem right!"

"he says things feel wrong." Aiga replied picking up Achilles, "that going into the battle faster allows for a strong attack."

"well tell him that attacking won't do any good without stamina! what if the attack fails? then what?"

"he says his attacks won't fail."

"tell him that- I am arguing with a beyblade. where has my life gone? whatever! I only give you input. if you want attack I'll redesign him into an attack type."

"he says defense is important to."

"you need stamina for that!"

"hey!" Evan called, "dinner time! we have a big day tomorrow so go to bed early. no more training!"

"shut up!"

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