some friendly competition

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"how was your nap?" Evan asked typing some things on his computer, "you looked like you were having a good time with Nika."

"it's not like that!" Aiga stuttered, "we got tired and Nika was cold and- well we're just friends!"

"I wasn't saying you weren't." Evan said raising his eyebrows, "whatever. let's go outside. the rain's stopped and there's a beyblade stadium."

the boys went outside to find pretty much every blader on the island gathered around the stadium. right now Shu was fighting with Dante.

"Demon Lord Spryzen!" Shu called, "Demon's Axe!"

"not so fast!" Dante countered, "Cosmic Dragon! use Cosmic Launch!"

Spryzen went all the way up to the outer ring while Dragon spun around in circles before launching up into the outer ring. the two beys went speeding down crashing into each other.

"Hell's Return!" Shu exclaimed, "don't let him get back up!"

Spryzen landed perfectly, and activated his return mode. the tip sprung out giving Spryzen a couple more inches, and increasing his speed. before Dragon could do anything, much less touch the ground, he went flying up again. Dragon was forced out of the stadium but Spryzen couldn't finish there.

"Burst him!" Shu yelled, "Demon Destruction!"

Spryzen came bursting out of his bey swinging his dual battleaxes. Dragon also came out of the bey with an attack of his own.

"Cosmic Aerial Counter!" Dante shouted, " we don't go down that easily!"

Dragon let out a breath of black and white fire as the yellow bey clashed with Spryzen's red bey. Spryzen swung his axe and chopped off Dragon's head, ending the battle. Dragon bursted midair right above Dante's head.

"woah!" Dante exclaimed "that's so cool! how'd Spryzen get that strong?"

"lot's of training." Shu said pocketing Spryzen, "and even more for the tournament on wednesday."

"one more round!"

"no, let's have someone else go. Valt! you and-"

"us!" the Hizashi brothers exclaimed holding up Hyperion and Helios.

"fine by me!" Valt said taking out Valtryek.


Hyuga and Hikaru positioned themselves back to back.


Valt sprinted up to the stadium.

"One! Let it rip!"

Flame Hyperion and Spark Helios circled around the stadium, catching Lightspeed Valtryek in the middle.

"alright!" Hikaru exclaimed

"Twin Pincer!" Hyuga said, "once you get caught in that nothing can help you!"

"want to bet?" Valt challenged his resonance beginning to flare, "Lightspeed Rush Launch!"

Valtryek began pushing against Helios, until Hyperion got lost in the dust. but it wasn't long before Helios was rammed against Hyperion. the to beys were able to get into the middle, Lightspeed Valtryek had tooken away a huge chunk of Hyperion and Helios's stamina.

"Twin Heal!" Hikaru commanded.

Hyperion and Helios spun next to each other, so close that they were clashing against each other. but instead of draining each other of stamina they were slowly gaining more and more. pretty soon they were back to full stamina.

"a play from Free's book." Hyuga bragged, "these two beys are specially made to tag team with each other! we can do God Twin Strike, Limitless Twin Launch, and our best move-"

"Hyuga!" Hikaru scolded, "don't give away all our secrets. he'll predict our next move if you do that."

"it's fine!" Valt said, "wasn't to long ago I was doing that to!"

Valtryek rammed into Hyperion and Helios cutting off their Twin Heal. the two beys clanged back together, and began tilting into each other.

"God Twin Strike!" Hyuga yelled, "now!"

the resonance alone from this powerful attack nearly knocked everyone down. Hyperion appeared in gold and red armor standing side by side with Helios in his blue and silver armor. the two Gods rushed forward and swung their swords at Valtryek. the valiant horsewoman sprung up from her bey, her red lance parrying the attack. 

"time for Lightspeed Impact!" Valt called.

Valtryek's eight legged horse rushed forward, as Valtryek herself plunged her lance into the Hyperion and Helios. the two beyblades bursted. 

"alright!" Valt exclaimed, "nice job Valtryek! at this rate we'll win for sure!"

"aw man." Hyuga groaned picking up the parts of Hyperion, "I thought God Twin Strike would've won the round."

"who's next?" Hikaru asked putting Helios back together

"I'll go next." Aiga said as he put Achilles into attack mode, "can't be that ha-"

"and me!" O'Ryan said as he held up Ovius, "I want a rematch!"

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