a blazing start

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"remember to use aerial attacks?" Liz asked Aiga again, "and to avoid that Blaze mode?"

"yeah yeah." Aiga muttered, "I've beaten Ranjiro before. he's got the same bey."

"but he barely scratches it's full potential." Liz reminded him, "between his style of fighting and his special launcher, Rantaro is on a completely different level of power. besides, we wouldn't want our champion blader to get knocked out of the league the first round right?"

"if you beat Rantaro," Evan said returning from the last match, "then you go on to face Tom Samuel. his Diamond Troll completely demolished Dragon."

"thanks for the motivation." Aiga said tinkering with Achilles, "now I gotta go! see you two later!"

Aiga's elevator shot him past the stories of people that had gathered to watch him and many other bladers fight. it reminded him of his first championship duels. Rantaro looked at him with a cocky little smile. Aiga was once just annoyed by it but now it made him angry. he had to win.

"what's up with you little man?" Rantaro teased, "getting focused already? cool."

Aiga gritted his teeth. probably fate that Aiga was going against the guy that hurt one of his friends. he had to win for Liz.


Rantaro gripped the hilt of his launcher, which was shaped like a mini samurai sword.


don't let him get to you. Achilles told Aiga, just focus on the battle at hand

"one! let it rip!"

Ragnurak zoomed towards the middle, while Achilles raced around the outer ring. he then went blasting down towards Ragnurak for an attack.

"Limitless Drift!" Aiga commanded, "hit him where it hurts!"

"tough." Rantaro jeered, "too bad I got a sick move called Blaze Counter Kick."

Achilles got sent across the stadium, and flying into the sky. just what Aiga wanted.

"now!" he called, "Limitless Tornado!"

Achilles righted himself up before diving, tip first, and made a beeline for Ragnurak.

"oh no!" Rantaro panicked mockingly, "if only I had some sort of backup plan to my bey's only weakness! oh wait. I do."

Ragnurak's resonance blasted him out of the way. Achilles hit the ground hard, causing him to lose a bunch of stamina. before being able to recover, Ragnurak came back hard, knocking Achilles out of the ring.

"ring-out finish!" the ref called, "1 point to Blaze Ragnurak!"

the Blaze mode Achilles's said as Aiga picked him up, remember what Liz said? that wears out his stamina.

while also giving him crazy attack Aiga reminded him it doesn't look like-

is that doubt in your voice? Achilles scolded, when has that ever been part of your emotional spectrum? if there's anything I've learned from you Aiga, it's to always fight fire with fire.

with those words of motivation Aiga stood back up his face full of reassurement. backed by the sword of Achilles, Aiga would win.


Aiga locked eyes with Rantaro with eyes full of courage.


Rantaro met him with equal courage.

"one! let it rip!"

"Limitless Strike!" Aiga exclaimed right out the gate.

"what is he doing?" Liz asked Evan from the stands.

"I don't know." Evan muttered, "but I think he does."

Achilles went down hard on Ragnurak, not letting him claim the center.

"happy to oblige." Rantaro taunted, "Full Blaze Launch!"

Ragnurak took deep swings from the outer ring at Achilles. Achilles parried each one perfectly. the two beys went flying towards the edge of the stadium, only to come back with powerful attacks.

"Blaze Crash!" Rantaro yelled, his Resonance flaring, "show him who's boss!"

"not so fast!" Aiga said, voice full of determination, "Limitless Sword!"

Ragnurak burst out of his bey swinging his axe. Achilles came out next parrying with his sword then slicing the demon's head right off. Achilles burst Ragnurak blasting right through him.

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