♥︎Chapter 4♥︎

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Chapter 4
<Can't help myself>

Jimin was not going near Yoongi, He looked a lot more happy with his new girl then the other Ex's he's had in the past. Maybe Jimin should get over it and move on. He should give up on the dream of being with his best friend. What he didn't even realize that Yoongi has only been dating girl's. Jimin shook his head as he went to his locker and someone pushed him and Jimin turned around only to see the one person he's scared of.

Baekhyun the only bully who he knew, Baekhyun was the one who bullied Jimin when he was in kindergarten. Baekhyun looked at Jimin like he was gonna kill him and Jimin was shaking

"well, well look who it is Mrs. Jimin" Jimin looked at him he hated he got made fun of just because he liked girl colors, and girl clothes and he wish he wasn't so weak so he could stand up for himself and he pouted

"Now your pouting because you know it's true, you know what I saw on my way here" Jimin looked down scared to hear what he was gonna say. "I saw your little 'boyfriend' making out with his new girly" Jimin tried so hard not to let that get to him. It's like everyone knew his feelings for Yoongi and he hated it.   

 Jimin looked at Baekhyun "O-Oh.." Those were the only words that would come out of his mouth and he didn't know why. He looked back down and then the words that came out of Baekhyun mouth hurt Jimin badly. "Jimin you and Yoongi will never be a thing, he's to popular and your just a nobody" He whispered in Jimin ear and he left the younger in tears and he walked with his stuff in his hands with his hood on and he felt like a gross person.. is that why Yoongi didn't hang out with him anymore?

So many thoughts were going though his mind. He didn't know what to think anymore he felt so weird and like he didn't fit in no matter where he went. He didn't even know Yoongi anymore he changed so much and he hated it. Why can't Yoongi see that he was hurting Jimin with all those touches, And flirting moments. 

He hated these feelings, He knew he was only gonna be seen as the friend who helped him with his break up. But that's not what he wanted to be known as to the elder. To him it felt wrong was he just their to comfort him when girls broke up with him, was that all he was good for now? 

They never hung out as much as they used to when they were younger and he hated that. He missed when Yoongi would always hang out with him. But he can understand him at the same time, They have grown up and they have more needs and they are more busy. 

He just can't help himself feeling like this, He wish he was someone to somebody, Someone who loved him the way he wanted to be loved. Not just dreaming it, He wanted someone to love him

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