M.YG(2)Tears of chaos(chapter 31)

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(this will contain things from the past chapters including Ch. 26,27)

It was a Sunday night, Yoongi was at the club getting wasted. He didn't understand why he was here. But then that's when Sunhe appeared.

all he remembers is waking up next to the girl and he knew he fucked up big time. He and Sunhe promise that they were never gonna say anything to each other again.

Well that's what he hoped for.

Tuesday, Jimin and Yoongi were at the lockers and that's when Sunhe came up to Yoongi with a smirk.. And he didn't like that one bit

"Yoongi-ah!, Prom is next week.. And I was wondering if you would like to go with me.. " Sunhe said in the softest tone, Jimin froze

"I'm sorry I ca-"

"Hyung.. Don't worry about it I wasn't gonna go anyways" Yoongi looked at Jimin but before he could say anything he already left.

"Sunhe what the fuck!" He yelled and people were looking at them and he groaned

"That night we slept together meant nothing"

"Yoongi-ah That's not what you said that night" She smiled and walked away.

The next week is when it went to shitIt was Monday, it was raining.

Yoongi and Sunhe were kissing in the dark, with nothing but the sound of the rain hitting the window. He then pulled away and groaned "Fuck I can't do this, We need to end this now Sunhe I hate that I'm doing this to him!"

Sunhe only nodded and this time she knew that Yoongi was never gonna be hers.

As they walked out together he muttered "Hey do you want a ride home, It's fucken pouring" Sunhe looked at Yoongi and shook her head

"No but your boyfriend dose.."

And that's when he saw Jimin soaking wet, shivering on the curb of the sidewalk..

He knew he fucked up but he never thought he would do it to his own lover, Not to Jimin..

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