chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jimin Looked at Yoongi and then looked down 

" I wanna go to the duck park, I wanna see if theirs any baby duckies! " he said and Yoongi only smiled and nooded

" sure we can do that, and then get ice cream after how dose that sound bubs? " he asked and Jimin nodded at the idea. And so the both boys relaxed for a bit 

After they relaxed the both boys walked to the little river near Yoongi's house, And Jimin eyes lit up as he saw baby ducks " Hyung look!!" he said and Yoongi walked over and awed at the baby ducks following their mother 

Jimin froze as Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jimin waist " so cute.. " Jimin nodded "They are.." Yoongi only chuckled "I was taking about you love" Jimin blushed, the two boys never talked about the kiss like it never happened.

It was getting dark and Jimin leaned against Yoongi chest "Hyungie.. Look at the starts " He whispered as his eyes shined, Yoongi felt like he could hold on to Jimin forever and never let him go "Their shinning just like you min" Jimin turned around and looked at him, Yoongi looked up at Jimin and the space closed around them "Can I..?" He asked the shorter boy and Jimin nodded.

They shared a sweet loving kiss under a cherry blossoms tree, Jimin broke the kiss and looked down "H-Hyung.. I.. "

Yoongi cut him off "Jimin I'm in love with you.. " Jimin furze and looked at him with a confusing look " what.." Yoongi sigh

" I Wanna be with you Jimin, I know it's confusing.. "

"It's okay to say no it's ju-" Jimin cut Yoongi off with a hug as he nuzzled his face in Yoongi chest "Wanna be with you.. " Jimin pouted as he felt happy.. But also nervous for some reason

As they went back to Yoongi place they were practically attached by the hip together, Jimin was clinging on to Yoongi

"Aish... come here" Yoongi said as and preparing the younger with kisses on his face, Jimin let out giggles and smiles

" Dose your mom knowing your staying" Jimin nodded "Yeah.. She knows " He said in a whisper

Jimin cuddled up to Yoongi "Hyungie.. Why did you ask me out.. What If  affect your popularity.. " he asked

Yoongi only huffed "To be honest.. I'm not sure why I asked you out.. I just keep thinking about you.. I don't like when other people touch you.. I feel the need to.. Love you.. But why did you say yes, I don't care about my popularity at all Jimin, 

Jimin stiffed up and looked at him

"because.. I've liked you.. Since middle school.. " He said and got up from Yoongi's touch. he stood up " Or maybe even.. before that.. I never told you because.. You always had off and on relationship, And I've always tried to hide it from you that's why I started to avoid you.. But I couldn't do that to.."

Yoongi was shocked and he also stood up "Jimin.. you should have told me.. so what if I had off and on relationship, I was hurting you. " 

Jimin turned around and faced him and Looked down "I-I didn't w-wanna ruin.. w-what we had.. and when you asked to kiss me.. my heart hurt more.. because it was my first kiss.. and were just friends.. H-Hyungie.." 

Yoongi felt so stupid and he cupped Jimin's face and Softly kissed him and whispered " I'm so so sorry..." He said and Jimin looked at him " You didn't K-Know.." Jimin said and sighed 

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