♥︎Chapter 7♥︎

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Chapter 7
<I'm so stupid>

Yoongi and his girlfriend broke up the day that Baekhyun pushed Jimin on a locker, And this time Yoongi broke it off with the girl. He thought that he was happy but he wasn't, He and the new Ex did have sex the first day they got together, That's how it always went, It was always the first day of the date. Yoongi never took it slow with the girls it was like he used the girls, Because he was alone

He didn't know what he wanted he just wanted to feel love and not have on-off lover. Because it was true he dated so many girls, So many he couldn't keep track. It was stupid of him, He never had just one lover he stayed with. And this started In middle school


In middle school Yoongi was known as the player, He had girls left and right, And Jimin didn't know why. Jimin never got to hang out with Yoongi as much as he used to. Yoongi really only cared about finding a girlfriend and You could say It made Jimin feel left out in the way. He was only 12, and Yoongi was 13, Jimin always thought that Yoongi was to young to be dating but never said anything

Jimin didn't want Yoongi to hate him so he never said anything to the elder. Because what if Yoongi yelled at him.. He didn't want that not at all. Jimin started to get feelings for Yoongi  in 4 grade when Yoongi started to flirt with him. He would ask him" Who's my good boy" and Jimin always blushed when Yoongi asked those type of things. At first he didn't know what that feeling was in his tummy. He thought he was sick and went home

But when Yoongi entered Middle school it was like a flash, he became so different. Jimin started to eat alone and that's when people would pick on him. Because they knew Yoongi wouldn't show up. 

Jimin became a lot more shy, his stuttering became worse and he was always scared to go to school, his mom always asked what was wrong but he always said he just wasn't feeling well. When Jimin was still in kindergarten Yoongi told him this

"Jimin I hope you know that I love you very much" Jimin smiled and blushed and he said it back, Maybe that's when he started to like Yoongi. But he didn't know about love yet.

Yoongi loved Jimin dearly but, maybe never loved him the way Jimin wanted him to. And Jimin doesn't blame him.. Not all dreams come true , No all childhood friends always fall in love with each other. That was just a wish too those type of people. He didn't want to ruin what he had with the elder. It would make him feel lost and sad. 

Yoongi was like his safe place, His home for another way to say it. He was just a stupid kid that felled in love with his best friend. 

He hated this , He wish he could just move on.

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