♥︎chapter 22♥︎

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Lilac pt2.
>chapter 22<

Yoongi softly smiled at the boy and kneeled down next to him "She's pretty don't you think hyung.?" Jimin said as he was petting that cat and He looked at jimin studying all of his features

"Really.. Pretty" he said as he was still looking at Jimin. Yoongi looked at the cat who was a gray fluffy.

Jimin got up and then waved at Lilac and The fluffy cat meowed and Yoongi also got up and they said bye to the cat, but as they were walking they heard little paws and Yoongi turned around and chuckled

"Jimin-ah looks like Lilac really loves you" He said and Jimin turned around and he softly giggled and walked up to the cat "I really love you to lilac.. But Hyung and I have to go" He pouted


Yoongi was waiting for Jimin at the side of school, he was sitting down and he suddenly heard a meow and he turned to See Lilac and He softly smiled

"Hey lilac, Jiminie is almost here" He said and the cat layed in his lap and Yoongi suddenly started ranting "this is weird for me to talk about my feelings to cat, But I'm happy me and Jimin are actually together he always makes me smile and he's so pret-" He heard little sounds of giggling and he turned around

" Hyungie I think your handsome as well.. " The boy said as he walked up and lilac got off Yoongi lap and ran off before Jimin got closer but he didn't mind and Yoongi face was flushed.

He sat in Yoongi lap as he nuzzled his face in the elders face and he then looked at him "Can I have a kiss" the younger pouted and Yoongi ruffled his hair and nodded

Yoongi did something way different, He lifted Jimin neck and started to leave little pecks and Jimin got goosebumps and he then pulled away just to look at Yoongi

"that was nice.. "

Yoongi hummed and kissed him on the lips and softly played with the boys locks.

"I didn't expect to see you talking with a cat.. " He questioned himself

Yoongi only pouted and Jimin kissed his pout and then looked at him

"hyungie..I love you"

The boy Mumered

Yoongi looked at Jimin " You know that I love you more then anyone in the whole world Jimin"

Jimin layed his head down on the elders chest

"your so pretty., just like a lilac" He heard Yoongi whisper under his breath

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