♥︎Chapter 5♥︎

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chapter 5

Jimin was hanging out by himself as always, That's always how his lunched went. He didn't have any other friends besides just Yoongi. Jimin was to scared to make friends because he didn't want people to make fun of him. And he didn't want people to tell him he's not worth their time.. He always hated that


"Jimin you're such a waste of our time, Why don't you go hang out with the little girls hm?" A 1st  grade boy told him. He was always told that he was a waste of time and it always made him cry. He never had anyone to hang out with. He even tried to be friends with the 1st graders but that never worked out.. Ever. 

Even if he tried to have friends they always somehow ended up leaving him, And they started to pick on him. No matter where he went it was always the same shit everyday. He always felt like a bother to his Hyung and he always thought that Yoongi would leave him to..

"Jimin.. I hope you know, No matter what happens in 5 or more years I'll always stay and that's a promise I swear on my heart minmin" 

Jimin couldn't help but remember those words his Hyung once told him.. He smiled like a idiot he remembered like that was yesterday. He always used to eat lunch by himself. Ever since Yoongi had gotten popular he wasn't the same Yoongi he knew. The sweet loving boy he used to be. But he knew Yoongi wasn't always gonna stay like that. No one is ever that nice.. They always change or even leave.

As lunched was over he walked down to his class and saw Yoongi and his new girlfriend talking and he didn't even realized he was watching until people walked in front of him and it was, Slow motion all he could see was Yoongi looking so happy and people walking, He felt upset to see Yoongi so happy, But at the same time he felt happy for the elder, He's happy that Yoongi found someone who is able to love him the way he should be loved..

Jimin looked down for a second and then looked back up to see the one and only person he didn't wanna see at at.. The only bully that scares him to death. Baekhyun pushed him on the locker laughing at him like Jimin was a idiot and Jimin looked down and didn't even look at Baekhyun, He didn't even have the energy to do anything anymore. 

You wish you were her don't you" A voice whispered and he looked up to see who it was and it was Baekhyun, Jimin shook his head as he looked down in shame and tried to move but he couldn't their was no way. until someone yelled Baekhyun and he knew who it was. The one he had a crush on.. Min fucking Yoongi. 

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