First Times

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I paced around my room, getting ready for everyone to come over. I was nervous, and obviously not because Mike and Tré were coming over. Alicia was.

I had dressed as nice as possible. I picked my jeans with the least amount of rips in the knee, I wore my cleanest band shirt which didn't smell of weed. I even cut my hair.

It was getting down to my shoulders, it needed a trim. It was now back to being short. I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath. A whole night with her.

I ran to my brother David's room, stealing some of his cologne, heading downstairs when there was a knock at the door and letting Mike and Tré in. Mike walked past me, wolf whistling. "Somebody tried hard."

I swatted at him, leading them into the living room. All of my siblings were out, my mom was working. We were all alone. Perfect.

I let Mike and Tré pick a movie while I made some popcorn, bringing it to the living room in a big bowl. I practically sprinted to the door when I heard a knock, and when I saw her my jaw dropped.

How can one person make a typical outfit look so damn good?

Alicia was trying a different style. She was wearing a band shirt, tucked into a short skirt which showed off her legs, topped off with converse. She looked perfect.

She closed my mouth with her finger tip as she walked past, into the living room. "Hey guys." She said, standing in the doorway. Both Mike and Tré stared at her, basically fucking her with their eyes.

"...And that's enough of that!" I said, tugging Alicia into the kitchen. "What the hell were you thinking?" I asked, and she raised an eyebrow.


I scoffed. "Your outfit. Mike and Tré basically just eye raped you."

She jutted her lip out, leaning closer to me. My breath hitched. "You don't like it?" She said softly, close to my ear.

I scrambled to find my words. "I-I, yeah, I mean y-you look.." I gestured to her, and she leant on the counter.

"I look.. what?"

I swallowed. "Hot.. I mean, your skirt.. I didn't even know you had legs."

She looked at me like I had just suggested we eat a hand.

"I-I mean! I knew you had legs." I chucked nervously. "I just didn't know they were so.. S-So.." I was blushing furiously at this point, embarrassing myself was one of my talents.

She let out a laugh and patted the top of my head. "You tried."

I smacked my forehead with my hand as she went back to the living room. I could win an award for cock-blocking myself.

I headed back to the living room, where Mike was in the middle of a story. "So, I just gave the guy his frog back and went on my way."

I pulled a face. "I don't even want to know." I flopped down next to Alicia, watching the movie. Mike sat with Tré and they threw popcorn at each other, trying to catch it in their mouths.

I, however, was more distracted by Alicia. I was edging closer, and I eventually put my arm around her, freezing until she reacted. To my relief, she leant closer to me and kept watching the movie.

Mike was the first to fall asleep. Despite our efforts to keep him awake, he could never last past 12am. Pathetic.

He was curled up on the couch, in his pyjamas, fast asleep and dead to the world. Tré shook his head. "Weakling. The day Mike can stay awake past 12 will be the day I grow my second ball back." We snorted as he covered Mike with a blanket before changing into his pyjamas too.

We made our way through a few movies, and Tré started dropping off. Eventually he gave in at about 2am and curled up with Mike, hugging him. I went over and covered them both with the blanket, scratching my head.

"I'm gonna go change." I whispered, and Alicia got up and followed me upstairs with her bag. "What are you doing?" I asked, as she followed me into my room.

She smiled as if it was obvious. "Getting changed. Or are you shy?" She teased, pulling her shirt off. I gawped and stammered, eventually just turning around to face the wall. I heard her laugh.

"What's the matter Beej? Never seen a bra?"

Nope. ...Not one that contained boobs, anyway.

I stayed silent, occupying myself with finding pyjama pants that weren't embarrassing.

When I turned around, Alicia wasn't wearing a bra at all. I dropped the pyjama pants in shock, staring at her.

I had never seen someone so beautiful. She made her way over to me slowly and pressed her lips to mine.

My heart leapt inside my chest, and I pulled her closer to me instantly. This is everything I wanted.

But as she pulled my shirt off, I discovered this was not all she was planning.

She walked me backwards to the bed, pushing me down and climbing on top of me. My heart was pounding in my chest, my breathing was hitched. Surely we weren't going to..?

She popped the button on my jeans and tugged them down, smirking at me. Was this even happening?

My brain clouded. Was I allowed to touch her? I reached out slowly and carefully ran my hands over her body, and we both got undressed gradually. When we were both completely naked, my brain came back from the dead. Condom.

"I'll be right back," I promised, taking off down the hallway.

One part of my brain thought about how funny/horrific/embarrassing it would be if Mike or Tré came upstairs now, to see me run into my brothers room naked.

I rifled through his stuff, chucking most of it behind me. He's gotta have condoms.

I pulled a draw open and found a box of them. Pulling one out, I put everything back and ran back to my room, closing the door. Alicia looked up at me, a smirk on her lips.

I put the condom on hurriedly and climbed up next to her, kissing her.

Everything felt so natural. I ran my hands along her body as we made love, kissing her neck and her chest. It was painful for her at first but I was patient, and boy did it pay off.

We both finished together and lay next to each other, breathless. I had no words, my brain was still in an orgasmic fog. I noticed Alicia's eyes closing and turned off the lamp next to the bed. I stayed awake long enough to chuck the condom in the bin and gather Alicia into my arms, pulling the blankets over us both.

When I woke up, the sun was already up. My bed was empty. I pulled myself out of bed and pulled some boxer shorts on, scratching the bridge of my nose as I went into the bathroom. I used the bathroom and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs, being greeted by Mike and Tré as they watched early morning cartoons in their pyjamas, eating cereal.

Literal 4 year olds.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a coffee, settling on the couch with it and trying to sound natural. "Where's Alicia?" Mike looked up at me through his fringe.

"She had to go," Was all he mumbled, through his mouthful of cereal.

I shrugged and finished my coffee. I'd just call her tomorrow.

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