If You Don't Want To, Fine!

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Me and Billie.

Oh my god. He was looking at me. Should I go over there? Oh god. Mike looked up.

"So, Billie. When are you going to ask Alicia to be your girlfriend?"


"Huh?" Billie asked.

"You told me you liked her." Mike said.

"I was kidding, obviously." Billie said, and my heart sank.

"What?" Mike asked, confused.

"Me? Liking Alicia? Come on." Billie laughed. I ran out of the room and down the hallway. I tried not to cry as I ran into the empty girls toilets. I slammed myself into a cubicle and leant my back against the wall, sliding down it until I was sitting with my arms clasped around my knees, almost as if I was holding myself together.

What an ass.

Wait, was I angry at Billie for kissing me and then saying he didn't like me, or Mike for telling me Billie liked me? Either way, I don't give a fuck. I stared at the writing on the walls, sighing. Suddenly I heard someone clean their throat. I jumped as I saw Tre's face under the cubicle.

"Oh hai dere." He said.

"Please tell me you're not lying on the floor in order to do that." I said.

"You know, I wish I could tell you I wasn't lying on the floor." He said, and I giggled. "Can you let me in? I'm a male in a females toilets." He said. I reached up and snapped the lock open and he rolled into the cubicle.

"You're an idiot." I laughed.

"Please. I graduated as an idiot." Tré replied.

"You haven't graduated yet." I giggled.

"Please don't ruin my dream!" He said. I laughed.

"Thanks for being here Tré." I said, serious.

"I'd much rather be here then with those two. They're fighting like bitches." Tré said.

"They're fighting?!" I ran back to the practice room, Tré close behind.

I walked in to Mike holding something, and Billie with his hands over his mouth, in shock. I couldn't see what Mike was holding.

"Mike, what are you holding?" I asked. He turned and showed me. He was holding his bass, but it was broken into several pieces. I slapped my hand to my mouth in shock.

"What happened, man?" Tré asked. Mike pointed to Billie.

"He did it." Mike almost growled. Billie blinked and ran out of the room. Tré sighed.

"I'll take Dirnt. You go after Armstrong." He said. I sighed but followed Billie along the hallway. He wasn't hard to find this time.

"Billie." I said. He was facing away from me.

"Leave me alone," He replied. His voice sounded weird, different. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I said leave me alone!" He snapped.

"No," I said, firm. He turned to yell at me, but he had forgotten to wipe his eyes. "Are you crying?!" I asked. He nodded and I've honestly never seen him look so helpless. I wrapped my arms around him, tight.

"He's my best friend," He mumbled into my shoulder.

"I know." I replied.

"And I've just broke the one thing that keeps him going when he's sad," Billie said quietly, still hugging me.

"His bass?" I asked and he nodded.

"He's never going to forgive me." Billie.whispered.

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