Pay Attention To Me

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The rest of the day was as normal I guess. I wanted Alicia to pay some attention to me, I feel like we kind of left some stuff up in the air. I needed a plan.

I rummaged in my bag and got a book out, opening it and reading it intently. I saw Alicia glance up from the corner of my eye and I waited for her to say something intelligent. I knew she liked books and all that shit. But she just kept talking to Mike.

I turned the page of my book, not really looking at the words. Suddenly Alicia leaned forward. "Billie?" I tried not to smirk. Gotcha.

"Yes?" I asked, ready to answer an intelligent question.

"Your book that you're reading so intently is upside down."

Mike snorted and choked on his juice, Tré laughed loudly.

I glared at them and put the book down, snapping it shut and chucking it back into my bag. Alicia smirked at me and I seethed silently.

"Mike, you wanna stay over tonight? It's Friday." I asked casually.

"I guess so. Beats staying at home with my sister and her friends." He said, fiddling with the zip of his bag.

"Tré?" I asked, and he looked up.

"Sure. Beats staying at home with my sister and her friends." He said, and Mike punched his arm.

"Fuck off, the have stupid parties and she's always wanting me to play stupid fucking games with them. It sucks." Mike snapped, folding his arms.

"Alicia, will you come over too?" I asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

She looked surprised but nodded.

Tré cleared his throat. "Yes Tré, you are already coming too." He grinned and the bell went, so we all shuffled to class.

It was Maths, we were doing algebra. I was sat next to Alicia with Tré and Mike right behind us.

I put my head down on the desk and I thought about my dad. He always told me that if I'd ever need anything later in life, I'd know about it. And for some reason I didn't think algebra was needed.

"Armstrong. Question 4a?" The teacher asked, breaking my thoughts. I leaned into Alicia, reading her work. She smelt like coconut and something else that I can't describe.

"Uh, 3x-y." I said, and the teacher sighed and nodded.

"Thank you, Alicia."

She went back to teaching and Alicia looked at me. "You had to make it obvious didn't you." I laughed and nodded, picking at my pen as I looked at my empty book.

Sometimes I wonder why I don't just drop out. I think my Mom would have a heart attack. She doesn't exactly agree with this whole "I could make it in music" thing. But my Dad always told me that if you have a dream, you follow it.

I only came to school for Alicia.

She was so beautiful. When I'm lying awake at night, I think back to when we kissed. I had definitely felt something. I was such an idiot for letting her go.

"Hey." Alicia's voice broke my thoughts, and suddenly her hand was on top of mine on the table. "You okay?" She asked, and I nodded obediently before looking into her eyes. Neither of us moved.

Mike cleared his throat. "Could Mr Billie Joe Armstrong please return to earth? He is currently being a lovey faggot."

I turned around to shoot a glare at him, and the bell went. When I looked at Alicia again, she was standing with a slight smirk on her face. "See you tonight."

With that, she walked off.

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