Moving On

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A now eighteen Billie Joe lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He thought he was eighteen, anyway.

It was February 17th, 1:09am. Even though Billie knew he hadn't been born until dinner time.

He rubbed his hands over his face. He was 18. So much stuff was happening with music, they had released an EP, and even though Billie's mom had said 'they were only babies', Billie knew music was all he wanted to do. He had spoken to Mike and Tré about this, and to his delight, Tré was dropping out the second he turned eighteen. Billie decided to do the same. This meant waiting for Tré to turn eighteen though, as Mike and Billie were only 3 months or so apart in age, Tré was all the way in December.

When Billie's alarm went off, he grabbed some clothes to shove on and looked at his hair in the mirror. He wanted it short, and he wanted to bleach it.

As soon as you're an adult.

Billie grabbed his book bag and ran to the door, walking out of the house to meet Mike.

"So, you dropping out in May?" Was the first thing he asked.

Mike stiffened. "Uh, huh?"

Billie stopped walking. "May. When you turn eighteen, are you dropping out? Y'know, on your birthday? I'm dropping out today."

Mike shook his head and Billie frowned. "Why?"

All he got was a shrug. "I want to graduate in case we don't make it."

Billie rolled his eyes. "Suit yourself, dickhead." With that, he took off running and Mike ran after him.

They ran up to Tré, he picked Billie up and span him around. "Haaaappy Birthday!" He cried, and Billie squeaked and kicked his legs until Tré set him down. "Can't believe my baby guitarist is eighteen. It's ironic because you're like, tiny and you're the oldest."

Billie's expression changed to one of death and Tré held his hands up. "I only speak the truth."

Billie practically ran to the office and signed for a drop out slip, then started his mission. He went to Maths, English and then his science classes. When he went to his French class, the teacher asked who he even was.

After he handed his slip in, he got to walk home. He was free and he couldn't believe it.

He practically skipped home, the cold air smacking him across the face. He ran into the house and was met with, surprisingly, his Mom. She should have been at work. She took one look at Billie and just said "I knew it."

The first thing Billie did, was go into the bathroom and cut his hair short. He then mixed some bleach and applied that to his hair, and left it on for as long as the package said.

When he washed it off, it was quite a nice blond colour. He decided to leave it this way.

He dried it and fluffed it up, then sat on his bed with his guitar and played the day away.

He was an adult. He didn't need anyone, not even Alicia.

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