Skipping With Mike and Billie

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I sat next to Billie as he drummed a pattern on the wall, nodding his head to the beat.

"So you're musical too?" I asked, and he looked confused.

"Too?" He asked.

"Mike was singing in art." I said. For some reason, he laughed at this.

"Mike? Singing? You're kidding right?" He asked.

"No. Why, have you never heard him sing?" I asked.

"Never. He's way too shy for that." Billie said.

"Well he was singing for me." I muttered.

"I'm the singing one. I never stop singing." He said.

"I haven't heard you sing." I said, looking up at him.

"That's because the voice of Billie Joe Armstrong is reserved for people who deserve to hear it." He said, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Remind me why I'm sitting here with you?" I asked.

"Ah, that's cause I'm fuckin' awesome." He said, and I rolled my eyes as Mike ran over.

"Dirnt, where you been?" Billie asked.

"I had to get out of class. I said I was sick." Mike said, flashing a grin my way when he saw me.

"Nice. Hey Mikey, Alicia was just saying you were singing in Art?" Billie asked. Mike nodded.

"Yup." Mike replied.

"Mike you never sing," Billie said.

"Incorrect. I sing all of the time." Mike said, going a bit red.

"I've never heard you sing for Green Day." Billie grumbled, and Mike shrugged.

"That's different." He said.

"Um, can I draw your attention to a bigger problem? 'Green Day'"? I asked. Billie nodded and grinned.

"Should we go practice now?" Billie asked. Mike nodded and they walked off, but Mike grabbed my wrist first. I think he meant it as a 'follow me' kind of thing, but he held a loose grip on my wrist and as we walked our fingers intertwined, and we didn't notice. Well, Mike didn't. We got outside the music room and Billie turned to talk to Mike and saw us holding hands.

"Break it up, love birds." He said, and pulled Mike's hand from mine.

"Oh." Mike laughed when he realised we had been holding hands. "Wait Beej, why?" Mike asked.

"Why what?" Billie replied.

"Why did you break it up?" Mike asked, clearly suspicious.

"Cuz you're not dating. It's stupid to hold hands when you're not dating." Billie said, and then ran into the room before we could question him further. Billie picked up a Blue electric guitar, Mike a black and white bass. I took a seat at the drums and leant on them as I watched them play. I had played drums for half my life, so I listened to the beat and then got the drumsticks, smashing out a catchy beat. Billie heard and stopped playing, nodding his head to it.

"I like it. Keep doing that." He said, so I did. Halfway through us all playing, Tré walked in and saw me. He bounced up and down excitedly and when we finished,

Begged me to show him it so he could learn it, so I did. Billie was writing things down, sighing.

"I need a back up singer." He looked at me.

"Hell no. I can't sing." I said, and Tré laughed.

"I'll do it." Mike suddenly spoke into the silence.

"What?" Billie asked.

"I said I'll do it." Mike said, and he took the microphone from Billie.

"Holy shit! We're about to hear Mike sing for the first time!" Tré said. Mike laughed and positioned it, and Billie showed him the lyrics and started playing guitar, and Tré started drumming, but I still hadn't heard Billie sing.

It got to the point where Mike was about to sing, and I fell in love with his voice. Even Tré's mouth dropped open and Billie grinned. When he was done, Billie smiled smugly.

"Told ya you could sing." He said. Mike grinned and punched Billie lightly.

"I think it's because of Alicia. She makes me confident." Mike said, and his blue-y grey eyes suddenly looked into mine.

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