What Are You Feeling?

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When Billie had calmed down a bit, talking to him was easy.

"I'm sure Mike will forgive you," I said.

"You didn't see the hate in his eyes, he looked like he was going to fucking stab me," Billie muttered.

"You're being a bit over dramatic." I said.

"I'm not. I'm serious." He said. I sighed.

"I'll talk to him." I said.

"Can you do me a favour?" Billie asked.

"Sure," I replied.

"Can you see if you can grab his bass? I'll get it fixed. It won't make him forgive me but it's a start," He sighed.

"I'll try get a moment to grab it." I promised. He nodded.

"You hurt my feelings y'know." I said randomly. Oh god.

"I know."

"You meant to?" I asked.

"No. You want the truth?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "I was scared. You know I like you. But I didn't want to say that I liked you. Because what if you didn't like me that way? So I lied." Billie said, looking down.

"I like you." I paused. "And THAT way." I said quietly. He smiled. "But we should take a breather, until this thing with Mike blows over. I don't know if he still likes me or not," I explained. Billie nodded.

"So we're just friends?" He asked.

"For now." I replied. "Now I'm going to go and talk to Mike," I said.

"'Kay." He said. I walked off down the hallway and back to the practice room.

"Swapsie." I said to Tré. He nodded and ran to find Billie. I sat down with Mike, who was holding his bass. Or, pieces of it. How am I supposed to grab it if he won't put it down? "Hey Mikey." I said.

"Hey," He said. He sounded happier actually.

"Tré cheer you up?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah he's great for that." I said. Mike just looked at me. "You still mad at him?" I asked. Mike looked unsure and then shook his head.

"I sorta asked for it. I just wished he'd punched me instead of my bass." He sighed and threw it across the room.

"What are you going to practice on?" I asked.

"Dunno. Nothing I guess."

Please don't say Mike Dirnt isn't going to Dirnt.

He went to his bag and I saw him stuff a wad of notebook paper into his bag. Hmm.

"I gotta go. I've got detention," He said.

"Why?" I asked, and he shrugged. "Michael what did you do." I said. He laughed.

"Not a lot. I was air guitaring too loud I guess." He said. I nodded and he walked off, waving at me. I waited until he was gone and then I ran to the corner of the room, grabbing the parts of his bass and gathering them in my arms, running back to Billie and giving him it.

"Thank you. I'm going to go get it fixed, if I can." Billie said. I nodded.

"It'll be okay Beej." I said. He nodded and smiled a little.

"I just want to warn you, I'm going to be acting weird for a while starting tomorrow." He said.

"You mean this wasn't you weird?" I joked. He smiled. "How come you'll be acting weird?" I asked.

"It's September tomorrow," He replied.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you one day," He muttered. I nodded and patted his hand.

*Billie POV*

I walked into the shop and handed the guy the guitar.

"I could have this done in a day, you can pick it up after school Billie Joe," The man told me. He owned the guitar shop and he knew me well.

"Thanks Brian." I said, leaving the shop and going to school. I had a shit day and went home like usual, but the next day I had Mike's guitar.

"Mike can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. He nodded and walked away from Tré to come over. I led him by the wrist to the music room where his bass was standing, good as new. He gasped and looked at me.

"How did you... When did you..." I laughed at his reaction.

"I'm sorry man. I was just pissed at you. My emotions are all mixed up at the moment." I said. Mike stroked his bass lovingly.

"How come?" He asked, then realising.

"It's September," We said together.

"I'm sorry man. I know this sucks for you. I hate this month just as much as you do." He said. I nodded, and my eyes stung. I hate getting sympathy from anyone but it's nice to know that Mike cares. He saw me blinking back tears and hugged me. I needed a Dirnt hug. I hugged him back and he smiled at me, going over to his bass and playing a tune to me.

Mike and I are going to be okay.

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