With The Lads

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Billie started walking to meet Alicia before school every single day, and Mike walked with Lauren.

Billie was like a brother to Alicia now, but he was waiting for the time to ask her out. He still had the biggest crush on her.

"What classes you got today?" Billie asked as they walked along.

"We have double gym first." Alicia said.

"Oh yeah. At least I'll see you." Billie smiled.

"Yeah." Alicia smiled back and they got to school, went to their separate form classes and then went to get changed.

"So Alicia, are you dating that Billie Joe guy?" One of the blond cheerleaders asked.

"Uh, no. We're friends." Alicia told her, nodding.

"Good. Because the only female going near him, will be me." The blond said, and then walked off.

What a little bitch. Alicia recognised her from school, she knew she was called Chelsea but didn't know her second name.

Did this mean she'd have to stay away from Billie Joe?

Alicia made her way over to the field with the rest of her class, sticking close to Lauren.

When they were on the field, Alicia spotted the group of guys doing their lesson. She recognised the blond one as Mike, and watched as he waved at Lauren. Alicia nudged Lauren.

"Mike's waving at you." She told her, and Lauren smiled and waved back. "He looks so hot in that hockey mask." Lauren said wistfully as Alicia saw Billie run over and tap Mike on the head with his hockey stick. She laughed and waved back when Billie waved at her, noticing Chelsea shoot her a dirty look.

"Alright girls, the rules of softball are pretty simple..." Alicia listened as the teacher explained and they split into teams.

She was thankful to see that she was on the opposite team to Chelsea.

Alicia's team were fielding first, so she ran out onto the field and stood next to a base, ready to play.

The line of girls batting went down fast and Alicia had made a few good catches, even receiving a thumbs up from Billie.

Her heart started beating fast as she saw who was up next to bat.


She saw the baller throw the ball, and Chelsea hit it hard so it shot over to the other side of the field, and started running.

She ran over towards Alicia's base post, her bat swinging out to the side as she ran. Alicia saw her give her evil eyes as she ran past, swinging her bat so it smacked Alicia in the stomach, so hard that she fell to the ground.

She gasped and tried to breath, but all the air had been knocked out of her.

"Alicia!" She heard from somewhere in the distance, and looked up to see Billie bounding over, still in hockey gear. "Are you okay? Are you okay?" He kept repeating, kneeling down to her level. She tried to reply but couldn't, so just nodded.

After Alica had caught her breath, they let her sit by the side and watch the guys play. She admired Mike and Billie's teamwork as Mike passed the putt to Billie and Billie smacked it into the goal and ran over, high fiving Mike.

Alicia smiled and looked up at the trees, enjoying the warm wind blowing on her face. It was interrupted by a loud cry of pain, and she looked back to the field to see Billie on the floor, a pained expression on his face.

Alicia jumped up and ran over.

"What happened?!"

Billie groaned as she lifted his helmet off.

"M-my ankle." He choked and squeezed his eyes shut.

Mike ran over and Alicia looked at him. "It's his ankle." She said and Mike nodded, trying to take Billie's hockey boot off. Billie sat up and groaned in pain.

"Undo the laces Mike." He said, and Mike loosed them and slipped the shoe off.

"Dayum, that's a dislocated ankle." Mike said, blinking.

"Shit." Billie moaned and looked at it. "Fuck."

"I'll get the nurse!" One of the lads said before running off.

Once the nurse came out she got Billie on a stretcher.

"I can't go with him, I'm in class but you can." Mike told Alicia.

"Okay." She nodded and followed the nurse to her small room and watched as Billie was sat down.

"Okay so I'm gonna pop it into place again. I'm not gonna lie, this'll hurt." The nurse said, going to Billie's ankle and taking ahold of it.

He looked at Alicia, panicked. "Distract me."

"How?" She asked.

"I don't care, just do it!" Billie said, gritting his teeth.

Alicia leant down and kissed Billie as the nurse popped his ankle into place. She felt Billie tense up and then relax, so she pulled back.

"Sorted." The nurse said. "I'll be right back with the bandage." The nurse disappeared so Alicia looked at Billie again. He was staring at her.

"T-thank you." He said.

"For what?"

"Kissing me. I hardly felt that," Billie smiled. "My ankle, I mean." He added.

Alicia laughed. "It's fine."

Billie smiled and the nurse came back with a bandage, sorted Billie out and then talked to them for a while.

"Keep all your weight off that ankle alright?" She smiled.

"Alright." Billie nodded and walked out with Alicia.

He took her hand in his and smiled, and she smiled back and squeezed his hand.

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