Chapter 2

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Draco stepped into the Manor cautiously. Just great. Lucius Malfoy was there, lashing out at a house elf.

After the War, Lucius had somehow gotten away for being a Death Eater, causing harm to others and essentially even to killing. Draco was not as lucky as Lucius, having to be sent to Azkaban - yes, Draco, even though he had done less harm to others - for three months at that. Dementors hung around his cell all day, taunting him with his past abuse and mistakes, he was never once alone in Azkaban. Even now, whenever he left the house, he would be launched hexes, and in some cases, severely injured. Lucius, on the other hand, never stepped out of the house, his hair never changing ever since the War ended.

"Where were you, Draco?" That venomous voice chilled Draco. The voice he had always heard coming from his father ever since his existence, it had never once softened. Draco only looked away from Lucius. "Has it got anything to do with you? You left me to go to Azkaban while you enjoyed your freedom!" Draco sneered. His eyes watered as he bow chocked on the remaining words. "You let Severus die. You were there!"

Lucius grimaced at Draco's expression, the pain all to familiar to Lucius. How very normal. Lucius strolled towards Draco and gripped his hands around Draco's neck, pressing on Draco's throat. Draco's eyes welled, tears escaping and rolling down his flushed face from the cold earlier and urge to not cry. "You disgrace. Who said you were allowed to leave?" Lucius spat. Draco was starting to turn blue. Draco showed no mercy as well and only chuckled, humorless, despite the fact that he was hanging onto the last of his life. Lucius soon became irritated, knowing that Draco wouldn't care whether he died or not; he would never be able to hear him scream no longer. Draco collapsed to the ground and on his knees as he swallowed gasps of air, breathing in as much as he could. Lucius gave Draco once last kick and Mich of a glare before Narcissa came into the room. "Lucius!"

Draco looked up at his frail mother. Draco shook his head, dissuading her from getting into another fight with Lucius. In the end, Lucius would always win, and Narcissa, luckily, would at most earn a few slaps from him. Nothing too serious thankfully. Narcissa ran over to Draco, putting a hand on Draco's cheeks, wiping away the tears from before. "Lucius, why?" Narcissa was on the verge of tears. "Mother..." Too late. A fight broke out. Words exchanged between the two, voices overlapped one another, volume increasing as the conversation continued. The house elves were calm, like it was a normal occurrence as the returned to their chores. Draco sighed deeply and sprinted past the raging couple. As he upped the stairs, he heard a clear slap, most likely from Lucius to Narcissa, as he shut the door to his room and slid down to the carpeted floor.

Draco folded himself, knees to his chest. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't show his weakness. Draco shuddered as he composed himself. "Get a hold of yourself..." He said. Draco hummed to himself as he drowned into a dreamless sleep, surprisingly not having awaken from the loud argument downstairs. These were one of the rare times where Draco was able to get a good rest from an argument. Unbelievable isn't it?

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