Chapter 14

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Harry chased after the blond boy. What was with him? He's not the only one with problems and is struggling. Everyone was having a hard time.

Harry has PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) flashbacks, Hermione has GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), and Ron has Little Space. ★

Harry knows he probably shouldn't blame Draco for his behaviour but Draco should also learn that it's not just about him and his problems. What he says, even something so small, can cause harm to another party — like earlier with Ron. "Malfoy! Stop hiding and come out you coward!" Harry yelled as he reached a small playground behind Diagon Alley. He could see the blond of Malfoy's hair but didn't want to approach him. Malfoy needs to step up and learn that he's not the only one who needs help and he's not alone. He should reach out and firstly learn to be able to trust; and Harry's going to help him with that by gaining Malfoy's attention.

"Go away..."

"No, not until you come out of your comfort zone."

"Just go. There's more training tomorrow, get some sleep." It seems that Malfoy still has a heart and cares for others — that's one thing less to take care of. "Malfoy! Unless you want to die of the cold, I suggest that you get out. Right. Now." Harry could see the visible flinched from the blond when Harry's voice lowered. "Immune. I'm sort of immune to the cold. I'm fine." And it was true. Despite the harsh howling wind which made Harry shiver and see his own breath, Malfoy on the other hand who wore lesser clothing than Harry was not shaking at all. "What? Did you use to go out in the snow in shorts and t-shirts?"

"How did you know?" Malfoy half turned his upper body but not directly facing Harry. Harry mused. "Hah? That's dumb, is it not?" Harry crossed his arms. Malfoy shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I was five! Fell in to the pond of the garden too." Now wait a moment. What kind of parent lets their child out of the house without proper winter clothing in the first place? What was with the Malfoy parenting methods, really? "And your parents just let you out of the house in... That?" Harry gestured to the air, or just nothing at all. Malfoy laughed. "Mum wasn't home. And someone was on a business trip..."

"Another thing — when did 'Mother' become 'Mum'?"

"Dimwit. Now tell me, Potter. What reasons are there for me to not be able to call my own mother, 'Mum'? And no, it will never be 'Mummy' if that's what you were thinking!" Harry chuckled and shook his head lightly. "No, wasn't thinking that at all."

"Hm. Like I'd believe you..." Harry could see the sides of the blond's mouth raise. Now, Malfoy was much more relaxed with Harry.

"Harry? Malfoy? It's Hermione. Or Granger. And Ron's here too; to apologize! Where are you two?" Hermione's shaky voice twitched a few times from the cold. Now all Harry had to do is get Malfoy to relax himself in front of others.

*"* info corner *"*

★ :

PTSD — a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear triggers many split-second changes in the body to help defend against danger or to avoid it
*(Harry can feel like he's in danger when someone raises a wand, even if it's not at him. He is uncomfortable with people who ignore his wishes. He feels like he's begging for his needs, feels the need to run away)

Flashbacks — a vivid experience in which you relive some aspects of a traumatic event or feel as if it is happening right now
*(Harry has flashbacks most of the time whenever he blanks out or is reminded of the past, even just looking at the sky can trigger Harry. But he now much more capable of taking care of himself and doesn't need to be watched 24/7 by Hermione)

GAD — is marked by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events for no obvious reason. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can't stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school
*(in Hermione's case, she is constantly worried about the boys' safeties and how they are coping)

Little Space — where you get into the head space of a child, entering a child like care free space away from the adult world. Its a way of coping from some sought of stress they may be experiencing
*(for Ron, he is much more childish and playful like any child, he feels much more comfortable like this because of the loss of Fred. He doesn't blame anyone particularly for the loss of Fred but having his playful side make him think that Fred is actually by his side; especially now when George doesn't play pranks anymore)

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