Chapter 18

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Draco entered the office to find Mentor Seth alone, working on a document report of a patient. "Mentor Seth?" Mentor Seth's head perked up, eyes running over Draco. "Draco, glad you're okay, what's up?" Mentor Seth spun in his rotatable chair to face Draco. Draco walked over and pulled a chair to sit. He clasped both his hands on his knees and bent over. "Um... Mentor Seth-"

"Seth. Just Seth," He smiled. Draco nodded and carried on.

"I... I need your help..." M- Seth cocked his brow. Right, what could an ex Death Eater possibly need help for?

"Pray tell me what's weighing on your shoulders Draco, you have much on your plate, it is a burden to you. Relive yourself and enlighten me." Seth's voice wasn't those kind that made one feel forced but the ones that are kind and approachable, those that tells you you can trust them. "I don't want to be a Healer..." Seth didn't speak but was giving Draco some space, for him to gather the courage to tell him otherwise.

"I want to be a Muggle Alchemist." Seth was understanding and not biased like others, he gave Draco a chance. "That's unfortunate  given your skills," Seth praised. "Now, what's your reasoning?"

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to help, but I won't benefit being here. In the muggle world, no one knows me, I can be... Myself; finally..." Draco gave a small tight smile but still looking down at his hands.

"Draco, you've suffered enough. I respect your decisions and I support you. I don't want to pry into your matters but, why 'finally'?" Draco took in a deep breath and looked at Seth, teary.

"Lucius... Used to abuse us — me and Mother," Draco saw Seth pale, hands threatening to clench. "Mother has Stockholm, she loves Lucius. I tried to change her memories, obliviate her but... I got a letter from her just earlier, she... She remembers him. I've tried running from Lucius, my whole life, and finally... But he's going to find us, he needs me... To bring back... V-Voldemort. I am the last piece of this game — the War.

"It's not over just yet."

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