Chapter 15

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Merlin! Why? Potter was fine and all but now Granger and even that Weasley? Draco figured with his left arm, unconsciously going over where the Dark Mark is. " 'Mione," He heard Potter shuffle to Granger. Where they plotting something against him? "Malfoy here thinks he's such a Slytherin-"

"I am."

"-tha~t he thinks he's the only one he should care about?"

"Never said that. False. No, why are we even having a civil conversation? Should you three start hexing me or something?"

"Why would we?" Potter threw both his hands up. "Why wouldn't you? You hate me. And everyone does that?" Draco said as though it was something normal. Like a daily routine, but being hexed. "Huh?" He heard Weasley say. "What's with you? You're honestly such a git."

"Why do you sound like a sassy Parkinson?"

"Why are we always asking questions?"

"I wanna go home!" Draco, Potter and Granger all turned to face Weasley who was biting on a finger. "Don't gnaw on your finger!" Granger pulled Weasley's hand away from his mouth. Harry waved Draco off for no reason and took Weasley's hand. "Ron. I'm going to break this finger of yours if-"

"Harry! You can't just threaten anyone whenever you like! You're going to scare him!" Weasley clutched on to Granger's sleeves. Potter clenched a fist and let go of Weasley.

"Huh, doesn't seem like you're all even nice to each other. Where's the Golden Trio? Did you break up or wh-"

"Shut up, Malfoy!" The trio said at the same time. Draco shrugged and stood up. He brushed of the snow and quickly fled the scene. He could hear Potter yell for him but ignored it. They were going to see each other again tomorrow anyway.

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