Chapter 7

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Harry realised, how had Malfoy become a trainee Healer? Harry searched his memories and found out that Malfoy never returned to finish his Seventh Year. It was suspicious. And he was in Azkaban, how was he approved? And what did Nurse June mean by 'escaped'? Harry had many questions but now, he should focus on becoming a Healer.

Harry examined the patients in the wards. The clipboards on the end of the beds... Says that most of them... Are victims of the War. If Malfoy were to work here... Trouble would arise wouldn't it? It would be hard on him. But why did Malfoy want to become a Healer though? No one's ever heard that he wanted to be. Most say he just wanted to be a Death Eater and spend his days in the Manor spending his father's money like a spoiled brat, but was Malfoy truly like that? Harry had seen the moments where Malfoy wouldn't eat, like Harry, and times where Harry had stumbled across a crying Malfoy. Perhaps all of this was a game to Lucius as Harry heard Malfoy say. "I'm just a pawn to his game, just a piece of toy..." Malfoy had once chocked out, crying into Harry's shoulder. That day, Harry was stalking Malfoy, he reached the Astronomy Tower and was caught by Malfoy. But instead of telling on him or giving him detention, Malfoy cried on Harry. For an hour at that. Harry had seen how... Broken Malfoy was. During the whole time, Malfoy said nothing. Told Harry nothing. As Malfoy cried, Harry also remembered times where he wanted to disappear, let Voldemort take him. He too, cried on Malfoy. It was an embarrassing event, especially when the two separated after. In the end, they just treated each other like they did before, like the crying event never happened. Harry wondered if Malfoy still remembered.

Harry walked, sometimes patients would approach him and thank him for killing Voldemort. Although a year had passed, people still looked up to Harry, even if he did nothing. Mostly he killed Voldemort because Harry himself wasn't killed. If Harry was killed long before, perhaps the War wouldn't exist, but Voldemort would still be at large.

Dr. Hensy then lead them to the break room and let the trainees take a rest as they would soon start by approaching patients, how to diagnose patients.

"Potter?" It was the girl from before who stood up for Malfoy. "Hi," Harry grinned. "Thanks for sticking up for Malfoy just now." The girl bobbed her head slightly. "Yeah, I'm a childhood friend of his actually, he's not really a mean kid at all, I mean. He's just... Hurt. Like you Harry." Harry let out a breath he had been holding. It was true. Harry still suffered nightmares of his close family and friends dying, him being captured, whatever that happened for the whole twenty years of his life. "Harry Potter. You can call me Harry," Harry reached out to the girl. The girl looked partially familiar to Harry. Her expressions were soft and light. Elegant. "I'm... Sorry, I just- I was a rebellious child," She smiled. "Astoria Greengrass. Yep, I'm Astoria."

"O-oh, wow! You've changed a lot. Saw you a couple of times last year, didn't know you were actually... Astoria Greengrass. But I'm glad you're on our side anyway. And your sister."

"Yes, she was the one who persuaded me. I wanted to be on the Dark Side before, actually. Don't know what was in my mind at the time," Astoria laughed. Harry and Astoria stuck to each other for the rest of the day, helping out one another. They grew close. By the end of the day, they were very familiar with calling each other by their fist names. Once in a while, Malfoy would come up somewhere in the topic. Harry learnt quite a lot about Malfoy from Astoria. Like Malfoy was an odd child, very smart from a young age - didn't seem unusual -, and he was an odd duck. He would rather go out to the garden and pick insects, rocks, things any child would like, but not what a Malfoy should be doing and taking interest in.

Harry also learnt that Malfoy was once friends with a Muggleborn, but... He was brutally murdered by Voldemort in front of Malfoy himself. Maybe the reason he pushes them away was because he didn't want anyone to be hurt; just because Malfoys weren't allowed to be friends with Muggleborns. Harry's impression of Malfoy started to become positive. Harry didn't like hearing from others, he likes to see the truth himself. Though Harry didn't believe everything, he knew deep down that Malfoy was never once a bad person, just a boy who wants to protect everyone. Like Harry.

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