Chapter 17

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Was Harry dumb or what? A month before students returned to Hogwarts to finish their year and papers was Draco's trial! He knew Potter was supposed to be there but had missed it and Draco was sentenced to Azkaban for his father's — yes, his! — deeds. Threat, torture, murder, etc, all that he didn't do but Lucius did was put on him. Draco detested this coward.

Another month later was when he was really sent to Azkaban. There, he had not one, not two, but.. Three! Dementors outside his cell! What did he do to owe such a 'great 'deal''? Apparently, he was considered a threat to society for being the Dark Lord's right hand man; which he wasn't. He didn't know where that absolute false information came from but it must have came from someone who hated him more than Lucius — and he didn't know who would. He suffered for three months and lost half a soul to the dementors. Only later was he released because Potter had come to save him. At that, Draco realised he must've fought hard for a Death Eater like him and didn't purposely send him to Azkaban. He owed Potter.

Despite knowing that there are still some who stand up for him, the criticism hurts. He was a proud Malfoy, that was one thing about himself that would never change. Draco however, is now Black, no longer a Malfoy. His name changed. But his blood couldn't. His brain that was fed with false information from a young age made him who he was. A proud and arrogant, self-centred, git.

Draco paced outside that bathroom stall only to see Potter. "Potter," he spat. Draco was already on the edge, he didn't want to be disturbed or talk to, just in case he snapped, before calming down. "Black, I'm sorry I brought that up, are you stable?" Draco scowled, he couldn't say anything to his, and everyone's, savior. "Yes," Draco looked away, whispering not above the noise level of a sneaky ant. "I know I missed your trial, and I tried, Draco, I did!" Draco flinched at the use of his first name. No one called him that anymore but his mother, Dolores, and Astoria (and Lucius). "Why..."

"Dr- oh. I-I mean Black, ahem. Er, a drink? Or food? Lunch is almost over, you haven't eaten."

"It's fine," Draco waved him off. If he did eat, he think he'd throw up. Potter hesitated but just took his answer. Sighing, Draco headed to find Mentor Seth.

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